my website can get ping but status always “Waiting” when visiting via browser

When i tried to use CMD.exe and then typed : ping it returns a true respond such as : C:\Users\admin>ping Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=24ms TTL=55 Reply from bytes=32 time=25ms TTL=55 Reply from bytes=32 time=25ms TTL=55 Reply from bytes=32 time=24ms TTL=55 Ping … Read more

Lots of TIME_WAIT connections with nginx reverse-proxy

I’m using nginx as reverse proxy to redirect some traffic to openfire XMPP server. Here’s what I see in netstat: 972 connections to port 80 from outside (includes website and redirected XMPP over http) of them 231 in TIME_WAIT, seems like normal 272 connection from localhost:<misc port> to localhost:7070 (nginx to xmpp server), all ESTABLISHED … Read more

Does TIME_WAIT affect dynamic ports?

I’ve read a bit about TIME_WAIT connections, and know they should be harmless to my server (connection closed, so no resource connected with this socket). Recently, my server reached the magic number of 60k ports in TIME_WAIT state; and I’m wondering if I’ll run out of free ports? My server uses dynamic local ports from … Read more

periodic connection timeouts to nginx server

We have the following setup: One nginx server as a loadbalancer in front of four worker application servers. The nginx server get about 100 requests per second, sometimes more that that, active connection are hovering at 110 in average. In a somewhat regular interval (1-2 seconds), the application that accesses the nginx loadbalancer gets a … Read more

Why might a connection stay in TIME_WAIT for hours or even days?

Our environment is ubuntu 12.04 on EC2. I know TIME_WAIT is a good thing, and I know generally it’s OK to see connections remain in TIME_WAIT for up to 2 minutes according to all the reading I’ve been doing. However, we have instances which have many connections in TIME_WAIT that have remained in that state … Read more

Overwhelmed by “TCP: time wait bucket table overflow” errors — What can I do to mitigate?

I’ve got a legacy system running Debian 7 (proxmox) hosting OpenVZ containers, and I’m seeing a troublesome problem where the system is being overwhelmed by open connections to VZ container running the apache frontend. When this is happening, the log on the server fills with thousands of “TCP: time wait bucket table overflow (CT233)” errors. … Read more

How to diagnose large number of TIME_WAIT connections

We have a production issue with only one of our servers and have correlated slow performance to an abundance of sockets in the TIME_WAIT state. Without drawing this question into a huge backstory, we basically know that every time the server is slow, about 80% of the server’s sockets are in this TIME_WAIT state, which … Read more