Active node stops resources when pasive node is shutdown

2 nodes, active/pasive. 2 resources, a virtual ip, openLdap, and the nfs mount where openldap saves the data. When both nodes are up, things worked fine. You could move resources away and put the active in stanby. But when i rebooted the passive node, ( with the resources in the active node), and the passive … Read more

can you give me feedback on an HA architecture using linux-ha and pacemaker?

I am trying to come up with an architecture for achieving HA on one of our services (in-house service, single tcp connection for all requests). Just started reading on linux-ha and pacemaker, and i’d like to know if the following approach makes any sense: We have two nodes serving a single service, exactly the same, … Read more

Which technique should be chosen for IP failover with manual control

I have the following setup, Linux stack, with front-end running nginx proxy and static assets and back-end running Ruby on Rails and MySQL in master-master replication: Primary site: front-end.a, back-end.a Secondary site: front-end.b, back-end.b A router sitting on a shared network that can route to both primary and secondary sites The primary site serves requests … Read more

crm status : 0 nodes and 0 resources configured

I’ve configure corosync and then I got these issue 0 nodes and 0 resources configured. [root@sitampan2 verdana]# crm status Stack: unknown Current DC: NONE Last updated: Thu Jun 16 15:15:40 2016 Last change: Wed Jun 15 14:25:43 2016 by root via cibadmin on sitampan2 0 nodes and 0 resources configured: 160547800 resources DISABLED and 4352 … Read more

Does corosync 1.4 support public IP’s ?

I am creating a cloud based cluster so for now am using uni cast to connect to other pacemaker/corosync nodes.I was able to create a cluster using private IP’s. To create a cross region cluster , I wanted to use public IP’s. I tried using a generic configuration by giving public IP for memberaddr and … Read more

could heartbeat v3 monitor service/resource status without pacemaker?

I am trying to setup a HA system based on CentOS, I want to use heartbeat v3 for the “heartbeat” mechanism, resource start/stop, looks heartbeat can get it done. But about the resource status, heartbeat cannot monitor it, for example httpd, we manually stop it, but it cannot be restarted or switch to another node. … Read more

Pacemaker location constraints on resources apparently not obeyed

I have a Pacemaker setup with two STONITH resources. They have location constraints that crm configure show lists as follows: location loc_stonith_node1 stonith_node1 rule -inf: #id eq node1 location loc_stonith_node2 stonith_node2 rule -inf: #id eq node2 Yet crm status indicates that both resources are started on node2: stonith_node1 (stonith:external/ipmi): Started node2 stonith_node2 (stonith:external/ipmi): Started node2 … Read more