Comparing “user time” for same operations on different cpu

In my accounting system i limit using cpu-time by user. But on servers with different cpu’s same operation may take different cpu-time. Now i want compare perfomance for my servers to introduce factor wich helps me make accounting system more “honest”. Please, give me some advice about comparing performance of cpus. UPD: I found ubench … Read more

freeradius maximum session time problem

I’m using openvpn and free-radius for control user accounts. for maximum session time for an user, free-radius has sqlcounter.conf that control that, but after a connection has disconnected that is useful and cannot destroy a connection. for control account time dynamically i need another script that do that. but should anytime that a connection has … Read more

Track torrent traffic in shorewall

I use shorewall to configure my firewall. Is there anyway to track torrent traffic using shorewall accounting? Answer You can force the packets for your torrent traffic to the logs by enacting a LOG rule on it, just before the ACCEPT rule for it. For example, if your torrent traffic is on port 5555 you … Read more

Using FreeRADIUS to filter accounting packets before forwarding

I am trying to see if it is possible to use FreeRADIUS to filter certain request types before forwarding the request on to its final destination. I have the following topology for RADIUS accounting packets. WAP -> Aruba Clearpass (RADIUS Server) -> Fortigate (Firewall) This is setup so that I can use RADIUS accounting packets … Read more

accounting GPU compute time on HPC clusters

How do you account for GPU compute time on your HPC clusters ? I have a growing, and quite heterogeneous (SXM4 A100s, PCIe A100s, NVlinked V100s, PCIe V100s, T4s, AMD cards arriving soon etc…), GPU partition on an HPC cluster (mixed hardware Debian servers running OAR scheduler). Traditionally, we accounted compute time as seconds per … Read more

How can I filter /var/adm/wtmpx on Solaris 10?

Some of our Solaris 10 servers are monitored using SiteScope, which uses Telnet to probe certain ports (SSH is one of them) every few minutes. This is creating an insane amount of lines in /var/adm/wtmpx, and eventually make it so big (2,5G+) that we can no longer run the last command, or that the uptime … Read more

Is there any script to do accounting for the proftpd’s xferlog?

I would like to convert from the xferlog format that proftpd uses into per user in/out bytes, to have a summary on how much traffic does each user use per month. The exact format of xferlog is this: Thu Oct 17 12:47:05 2013 1 74852 /home/vftp/doc1.txt b _ i r user ftp 0 * … Read more

Is it safe to Update and/or Insert records into an accounting software’s database? (Pastel Evolution)

Our CRM system can post transactions to our accounts software (Pastel Evolution), but it doesn’t perform the required currency conversion. Both systems have different “base” currencies (because of our location), so the figure thats sent to Pastel evolution is right, but it is reflected in the wrong currency. The CRM uses an ODBC connection to … Read more