pianobarfly – stopped working

I was using pianobarfly and it no longer works, it appears the protocol was updated again. Does anyone have any information regarding this? The source hasn’t changed since February, so I’m wondering what else to try. The source for pianobar has changed and is quite different from what I have. Answer https://github.com/ghuntley/pianobarfly Try the latest … Read more

Google Chrome Starts With Hidden Instances

Going to post this here – it turns out AskDifferent is … pretty dead. So – weird things today. Because of another issue, I had to close google chrome and restart it. When it restarted, Pandora started playing – however, there is no pandora to be found. No window nor tab. I thought I’d be … Read more

Bind “media” keys on MacBook keyboard to application menu items

Currently, I am using PandoraBoy to listen to my Pandora stations. In the preferences, it allows you to set global hotkeys to control playing, like/dislike, volume, stations, etc. What I would like to do is allow the built-in media keys on my MacBook Pro’s keyboard (F7-F12: Previous, Play/Pause, Next, Mute, Volume Up, Volume Down) to … Read more

Any way to stream pandora (using desktop app) via encrypted tunnel?

So, here’s the deal… I have Pandora One account, and using desktop app (which is written in Adobe Flex) to listen to my stations. Now, all is great, except streaming protocols are getting blocked at my workplace. Mobile is not an option either, with 2GB limit on monthly traffic… Encrypted tunnels, however, are not going … Read more

AutoHotkey media button for the NextSong button on Pandora

I tried doing the same thing that had been advised to do on the Play/pause pandora.com with a media key answer page. I simply replaced the XXX with 119 after running GetMediaKey – instead of 122 (it was same for me), which worked just fine for its play/pause purpose. I also replaced the YY with … Read more

How do I keep audio from IE playing when switching apps on Windows 8?

I use Pandora.com to listen to music in IE on Windows 8. When I switch to another app, the audio cuts out. How can I keep it playing? Answer I’m pretty sure that’s a limitation of “metro” UI apps – assuming you’re using MSIE in that mode. If it’s not the default browser, or you’re … Read more

Can’t get pandora plugin for rhythmbox 2.97 to work

I installed this repository and updated it. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fossfreedom/rhythmbox-plugins sudo apt-get update And then installed the plugins: sudo apt-get install rhythmbox-plugin-complete Everything seemed to install fine and most if not all (didn’t check everyone) of the other plugins are in RhythmBox, but the Pandora one wont come up. I’ve also tried installing it from … Read more

How to get pianobar working with tor and polipo

Wanting to listen to Pandora from outside the US, I followed the instructions here and changed my /etc/tor/torrc file according to the instructions here. I learned about pianobar, a console-based Pandora player, and decided to give it a try. However, I kept getting the same error: (i) Login… Network error: Connection refused. In ~/.config/pianobar/config I … Read more