Is a reverse proxy useful behind a load balancer and IPS

We have a Web infrastructure with a farm of Web Servers. They are behind a loadbalancer which does SSL offload. We also have a IPS and obviously a set of firewalls. Now, for security reason we have been asked to look into the possibility of adding a reverse proxy. I insist this is for security … Read more

Inter-VLAN Malicious Code Scanning

I am trying to find an inbuilt solution on a Cisco Catayst 3750X Switch to scan all traffic routed from one VLAN to another for malicious code. The situation is that we currently have a development environment which is currently being redesigned to upgrade the network infrastructure to use the 3750X switches to manage server … Read more

Forcing traffic through an IPS on a flat network through a bump in the wire

I have the following topology: Click here, unfortunently I don’t have enough rep to post images Essentially I would like the packet flow to go from PC1, to the Core Switch, to the Edge Switch, and to the Firewall. I need to “bump the wire” to force traffic through the IPS. Ideally I would put … Read more

IP white list for docker containers with iptables and ipset

I want to restrict access to docker container ports just from specified IPs. I set up iptables rules with ipset. I have exposed the port 8888. The requests from port 8888 are forwarded to simple docker web server. I defined ipset with white list IP addresses. ipset create testfilter iphash ipset add testfilter Then … Read more

Is it a good idea to point two dns hosts over four servers

I’m trying to add two more DNS servers to our pool to have more reliability under load and avoid losing visitors due to attacks or hardware issues. Since we have many websites setup to point at and, I’ve been wondering if it’s possible to point to 2 different machines, and do the … Read more