BSOD FLxHCIc after recovering from Sleep [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 9 years ago. Improve this question My Asus laptop (N73S) crashes after recovering from sleep. Dump file analysis ( indicates a problem with FLxHCIc.sys which is a driver for … Read more

Lenovo X220T bluescreen with problems shutting down

We have several Lenovo X220T with Windows 8 x64 which are occasionally causing DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE (0x0000009f) bugcheck/bluescreens. The systems are using OEM drivers for most everything and the issue does not seem to be related to any one individual use case. Upon shutdown, the system hangs at the “Shutting Down” spinner. Plugging in or removing any … Read more

Error while booting VMDK in VMWare Player; UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME

Hi all and thanks in advance for taking the time to read this. My employer has provided me with three VMDK files, each representing a different hard drive of a VM. My aim is to get these converted to VHD and uploaded into an Azure environment. The issue is, after I have converted these and … Read more

How can I uninstall ‘DB2 Enterprise Server Edition – SAPDB2SMP without the server crashing?

In ‘Control Panel | Programs | Programs and Features’ of Windows Server 2008, I can see an entry for ‘DB2 Enterprise Server Edition – SAPDB2SMP’. When I select it and choose ‘Uninstall’, it goes though part of the uninstall process, then causes the server to have a blue screen and reboot. There are no relevant … Read more

Need help to understand why server has suddenly crashed

I’m trying to get a clue why our server has suddenly crashed. According to this it could happen when some kernel code tried to close an invalid handle or a protected handle. Any direction to understand what kind handle could cause this? Below are the info from windbg and windows recovery window. This is a … Read more

kvm/qemu host windows guest BSOD about driver_irql_not_less_or_equal for viostore.sys

I have a KVM/Qemu host running 4 Windows Server 2012 guests and after upgrading the host from Ubuntu 12.04 to 14.04 I get blue screens with a bug check string of “driver_irql_not_less_or_equal” that is caused by driver “viostore.sys”. I don’t want to stay on 12.04 for ever. What can I do? Answer viostore.sys is the … Read more

BSOD when installing Server 2012 R2

I have a RD430 server with a newly created RAID 10 partition which i would like to intsall server 2012 r2 on (previously installed 2008 r2). After I start the server up with the Lenovo Easy setup start up disc and configure all the different settings (server name/ip adres/RAID controller drivers etc and I insert … Read more

BSOD Critical_Process_Died after enabling Windows Defender Firewall

Server 2019 1809 17763.914 running Remote Desktop Services and all updates are applied. On reboot, the Windows Defender Firewall is stopped (even though it is set to automatically start) and when I manually start the service (via any command line, windows services, server manager, defender gui etc.) it BSOD with the error of “Critical Processes … Read more