Is there a tool that take a set of VHD files, and that produce a base disk + differentiating disks?

On my Hyper-V R2 virtual platform, I’m often using differentiating disks to preserve disk space. Basically, I have this hierarchy of differentiating disk : OS 1.vhd Dev platform.vhd User 1 dev computer.vhd User 2 dev computer.vhd Production platform.vhd Server 1.vhd Server 2.vhd … this is great for saving space, at the creation time. Several month … Read more

Exchange 2010 VHD Corrupted But Is Not

I am experiencing a strange problem with my Exchange 2010 server. The virtual disk holding all Exchange databases on the Exchange server is acting like it is corrupted. If I run chkdsk E: /F is says the file system is RAW, but when I take down the server and mount the disk in another 2008 … Read more

Removing snapshot after removing guest hard disc

I have a server with ESXi 5.5 installed. I recently wanted to add a new hard disk to one of the guests. After adding the virtual disk to it, I took a snapshot just to be sure that nothing would go wrong (which unfortunately did). After taking the snapshot, I proceeded to setup the new … Read more

fio on virtual disk created with dd to stress disk

I am trying to create a script for my coworkers to use in the field that will stress the internal disks to a Linux server. I plan to put some logic in for finding the /dev/sd’s available and such. But I wanted to put in a write test. I am aware that fio will blast … Read more

How to preserve mount points when moving Linux VMs to Azure?

I’m currently working on a project where Azure Site Recovery will be used as a DR solution for a fully virtualized datacenter based on Hyper-V and managed by SCVMM. The datacenter contains several Linux VMs, and most of them have several virtual disks; those disks can be a mix of IDE and SCSI (depending on … Read more

Completely remove virtual disks with diskpart (list volume still shows them)

I’m creating a lot of differencing disks for my project and deleting them after some time. I use “detach vdisk” command, they disappear from disk management but they are not completely removed… When i use “list vdisk” command there is a huge list with all the virtual disks ever attached: I couldn’t find a way … Read more

Background initialization of a Virtual Disk (raid 10), can you power off completely and resume days later?

Upon setting up a new Dell Poweredge system with RAID 10, I see in System Setup –> Virtual Disk Management the Virtual Disk I created is performing a background initialization. From my understanding, this is setting up the various parity/mirror information on the disks and not modifying any real data. During this background initialization, I … Read more

Solaris disk types: Ramdisk, hard disk, SVM mirror volume.. Are there any others?

I am particularly interested if there are any network mounted disk types that can be used in ZFS. Answer ZFS can use any block dev that you present to it, so you’re really just bound by what your OS and environment support. Since you’re asking about Solaris, this means that FibreChannel (FC), iSCSI (as mentioned … Read more

What is the maximum virtual disk size in KVM [closed]

This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet. For help making this question more broadly applicable, visit the help center. Closed 9 years … Read more