Upgrade provisioned Joyent SmartMachine

I am currently running a provisioned Joyent SmartMachine base64 version 1.8.2 with some standard software (apache, php) installed. Is ist possible to make an upgrade to a newer version (for example to SmartMachine base64 1.9.1) without provisioning a new SmartMachine and then transferring all installed packages and data to that SmartMachine manually? I would be … Read more

How to run git as daemon on Solaris (SmartOS)

As stated in subject. I have this script that works fine from command line: #!/sbin/sh GITCOMMAND=”git daemon –base-path=/my/git/repo –export-all –enable=receive-pack –reuseaddr” startcmd () { `$GITCOMMAND` } stopcmd () { pkill -f “git *” } case “$1” in ‘start’) startcmd ;; ‘stop’) stopcmd ;; ‘restart’) stopcmd sleep 1 startcmd ;; *) echo “Usage: $0 { start … Read more

What kernel versions are supported in SmartOS lx-branded zones?

I’m using SmartOS on my servers and I’m really enthusiastic about it, especially since they launched their “LX-branded zones”. These enable us to run Linux applications in a SmartOS “zone” at bare metal performance without a hypervisor. When I create an LX-branded zone, I have to write a manifest file, which includes a kernel_version property. … Read more

With a 500GB SSD and a 250GB SSD is it possible to mirror a 250GB partition on the 500GB with the 250GB SSD using ZFS?

So I have a Samsung 250GB 850 Evo SSD and a 500GB 860 EVO SSD. I’m looking at using Solaris for this server (so looking at whether doing this with ZFS is possible). Is it possible to mirror the 250GB SSD with a 250GB partition on the 500GB SSD, while leaving the other half of … Read more

SmartOS Virtualization with one public IP address

Is it possible? (title of this question) Googling Virtualization with one public IP address yields nothing useful What I have: SmartOS on a dedicated server. Dedicated server has one public IP address. What I want to do: Host multiple guest OS from that server Problem: Access to the guest through the (server that virtualizes the … Read more

Why is SMF manifest losing configuration data when exported on SmartOS?

I’m running a server process under SMF (Server Management Facility) on Joyent’s Base64 1.8.1 SmartOS image. For those not aqauinted with SmartOS, it is a cloud-based distribution of IllumOS with KVM. But essentially it is like Solaris and inherits from OpenSolaris. So even if you’ve not used SmartOS, I’m hoping to tap into some Solaris … Read more