Installing self-signed certificate on tomcat

down vote favorite The question: I have an application running under tomcat which calls another application under the same tomcat via a gateways which has a self signed SSL certificate installed. When you call the link from your browser it warns you about potentially dangerous site, but you have an option to proceed anyway. However … Read more

Do I need mutlipe certificates for mutliple services running

I did a lot of research on this but still I am confused about how many certificates I need to self-sign for each of my services running on my private server. Here is the deal: I am creating my own server on raspberry Pi (raspbian~debian) to run my own VPN server, a calendar/contact server (Darwin) … Read more

How do I use a self-signed certificate with an Apache server linked to a dynamic DNS service? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 6 years ago. Improve this question I have a Linux Apache web server running ownCloud set up. I wish to use a dynamic DNS service (such as No-IP Free) … Read more

Chef certification check fail “cookbook upload” despite success “knife ssl check”

I had placed crt key from “Distributor”, and then checked and successed. But “knife cookbook upload” failed. Chef Server Hostname : “Distributor” Cent OS 7 chef-server-core-12.4.1-1.el7.x86_64 Workstation(kitchen) Hostname : “Workstation” Cent OS 7 chefdk-0.11.2-1.el7.x86_64.rpm Why certification failed, and what is workaround? [account@Workstation chef-repo]$ knife ssl check Connecting to host Distributor:443 Successfully verified certificates from `Distributor’ … Read more

Create a self-signed certificate on Windows Server 2008 R2 with powershell v2.0

I’m trying to create a self-signed certificate using power shell. I have tried using import-module PKI but seems like it’s supported on powershell v3.0 onward .Is any other way I could create a self-signed certificate using powershell v2.0? Answer you could download the Windows SDK and use MakeCert AttributionSource : Link , Question Author : … Read more

Jboss SSL connection persistent

I have a Client code relying on Jboss 5.1 which uses self signed certificates for connecting to credit card servers over HTTPS. Certificate expired on 03-13-2015 9:55 AM and it got replaced the following day around 8:00 PM. This is relatively simple fix but the strange one we noted is the we had certain number … Read more

Self Signed Certificate for RDP over Internet – Why Not?

I was recently informed on SF that using a self-signed certificate for RDP over a public interface is not recommended. In this particular scenario, I’d like to understand more about why. The situation is this: I RDP into a network by port-forwarding to independent machines on the LAN through a static IP. For example: External … Read more

Self-signed SSL certificate to match multiple subdomains

I have a bunch of sites served through nginx with SSL with self-signed certificates, each of which is on a subdomain, e.g.: My user base is small and tightly controlled so I personally install the certificates for each user. The problem is that the number of apps is increasing to the point that … Read more

WildFly with client certifactes: Received fatal alert: unknown_ca

I’m trying to install a wildfly9 server with client certificate authorization. To do that I have: On the Client: Create a self signed certificate: keytool -genkey -keystore client.keystore -validity 3650 -keyalg RSA -keysize 4096 -storetype pkcs12 -alias myClient On the Client: export certificate keytool -exportcert -keystore client.keystore -alias myClient -storetype pkcs12 -file myClient.crt On the … Read more

Not able to get https response from nginx server after installing self signed certificate

Getting no response from server when connecting with https:// Http is running fine I have installed self signed certificate and configured properly without errors. I am running nginx with php-fpm. I checked with nginx it is listening on port 443. I tried switching it on 81 too with luck again. This is my first time … Read more