Using variable lists in ansible returns undefined variable

Here is my variable list file vars/blah.yml: — stuff: – stuff1: bill stuff2: sue I just trying to get the values of the variable stuff. Here’s my playbook: hosts: all become: yes vars_files: – vars/blah.yml tasks: – name: test debug: var: “{{ item.stuff1 }} {{ item.stuff2 }}” loop : – “{{ stuff }}” I’m getting … Read more

RHEL8: Does NFS I/O count as part of “%iowait” calculations?

Customer telling us that they see high %iowait in top and iostat output on a busy RHEL8 NFS client. iostat man page clearly says that iowait is related to % of time kernel is waiting on “disk” I/O Question – does NFS I/O count as “disk” I/O in %iowait calculations? Answer Yes, on Linux, NFS … Read more

yum repo sync “Error: Failed to synchronize cache for repo ‘rhui-client-config-server-8′”

While doing yum provides or yum update on AWS Instance of RHEL 8.0 (Ootpa) a “rhui-client-config-server-8” repository giving Failed to Synchronize error. Steps followed yum clean cache (no success) yum clean all (no success) Answer RHEL 8 is based on dnf (dandified YUM), so you would want to use “dnf clean cache” or “dnf clean … Read more

“system clock synchronized: no”, flip it to yes

# timedatectl outputs Local time: Tue 2020-10-06 13:35:31 PDT Universal time: Tue 2020-10-06 20:35:31 UTC RTC time: Tue 2020-10-06 20:35:30 Time zone: America/Los_Angeles (PDT, -0700) System clock synchronized: no NTP service: active RTC in local TZ: no /etc/chrony.conf is the default in RHEL 8 (with a preconfigured pool). # chronyc sources outputs 210 Number of … Read more

Users created in Kickstart unable to authenticate

Thanks to the answers to this question, I’ve been happily generating Kickstart files for Scientific Linux 6 and 7 for the past 5 years. However, we’re now starting to build out some test systems with CentOS 8 and running into some issues. Despite using the same method for generating hashes (or indeed, reusing the very … Read more

Yum on Centos 8 – Failed to download metadata for repo ‘AppStream’

I’m on a fresh Centos 8 install and have tried to use yum for the first time (on this machine). I get the following for any attempt to install or update anything: yum update CentOS-8 – AppStream 0.0 B/s | 0 B 00:00 Failed to download metadata for repo ‘AppStream’ Error: Failed to download metadata … Read more