Is there a way to make nautilus display the “recently used” files and directories?

Is there a way to make nautilus display the “recently used” files and directories, just like the “open file” dialog does? Just to make my question clearer, here are two screenshots: The GTK open file dialog, showing the recently used items: A nautilus window, which doesn’t offer to display recently used items: EDIT : This … Read more

Ubuntu: is there a better file manager than Nautilus? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for … Read more

Creating Files/Folders With Nautilus in List View

When Nautilus is in list view (more like treeview) when I right-click on a Folder, there’s no option to create a File/Folder. When I right-click on a file within the folder, it also gives no option to create anything. How do I create Files/Folders when viewing Nautilus in List View? Answer Actually the problem is … Read more

How to search only current directory in Nautilus (restore old behaviour)

Does anyone know, how can I bring back the old nautilus behaviour? In old version (Debian <7), when I typed, the nautilus moved to first file that started with that typed phrase. In new version (Debian >=8, maybe current Ubuntu too), the program search in entire tree (current and child directories) which is very anoying … Read more

Is there a shortcut key for file browser? (Equiv. of Win+E)

In windows you can press the Win+E to get the Windows Explorer window to open up any time. Is there an equivalent global hot-key to get the file explorer to show up in Ubuntu Karmic? Answer Open System / Preferences / Keyboard shortcuts Scroll down to Desktop/Home folder, click on it, then press Win+E. Click … Read more