where can I learn the limitations of /LEV:n option of Robocopy command

Hey I am moving a file server to another datacenter. I use robocopy but I don’t know the limits of the /LEV:nutility. Is this “n” can be 100 or something for some crazy admins? I searched but I didn’t find any info about the maximum level size of LEV. (I am new around here and … Read more

Win 2003 Shared Folder

We have shared one folder on win2003 server and allowed everyone to access it but only 8-9 users are allowed to map drive the shared folder. The next is connected once I disconnect the one of the sessions. Pls advise. Answer It should be one of the following: (Less Likely) Your share folder properties are … Read more

Is possible for a vps service with own ip addresses to have ports restricted? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 8 years ago. Improve this question I am looking for a cheap vps service, and i found some, but the most appellative i found for what i need (“fileMedia”) … Read more

Nginx: restrict number of connections per basic auth user

Got nginx serving several big files. Users get access through basic authentication. htpasswd I want to curtail simultaneous download of files to 5 connections max PER USER. There are more than 1 user getting access through 1 IP address so it is not possible to do it by IP. I’ve tried following: map “$remote_user” $num … Read more

Nginx: Limiting number of connections for all content types with exceptions

I’m limiting number of simultaneous connections from one $remote_user to n using conn_limit It works like a charm. However, I will be thrilled to find a way to add exceptions to this. I want user to be able to get *.jpg and *.sql files in as many connections as she wants but still limit *.zip … Read more