Joyent SmartOS what exactly is it?? Does it run Linux Apps? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 10 years ago. Improve this question I’ve been reading on Joyent’s SmartOS, what is it exactly I read something about it being KVM. With one article saying it could … Read more

Cannot reverse tunnel between my local machine and my open solaris server

I want to reverse tunnel connection to my SunOS (Joyent) so that any connections coming to 12043 on this server will be served by my local development server running at localhost:8843. Edit: I don’t know why but SO is not formatting my post properly (damn). Any experienced guy please help edit my post So here … Read more

Alternative storage for SVN backup with rsync

I’ve been backing up my SVN repo and trac environment using a weekly cron job and 2 custom scripts. This has been going to Joyent Strongspace; but since they have discontinued the service, I need an alternative provider. I would prefer amazon S3 because I already use it, but any alternative that will work without … Read more

GlassFish: There is a process already using the server port

I’m trying to run GlassFish 3.1.1 on Centos 6 in the Joyent cloud. No matter what I set the admin port to in glassfish/domains/domain1/config/domain.xml, when attempting to start it says: There is a process already using the admin port XXXXX — it probably is another instance of a GlassFish server. I’ve checked netstat and /etc/services … Read more

In solaris, how monitor & auto-respond to critical events

I have a website that randomly fail. Is running in open solaris on joyent. I have a monitoring service that alert me when the site is down, but, I want a way to put a “insider” tool that tell me why that happened. Is because the cpu is too high? Not memory? Which process fail? … Read more

SSH key setup for Joyent Node SmartMachine and Windows?

I just got a Joyent Node SmartMachine. I’m using Windows. My goal is to SSH in to the SmartMachine and add/install things from GitHub. The issue I’m having is that I’m unable to connect to my SmartMachine via SSH using Putty. In Putty, after I enter my username, I get the message: Disconnected, No supported … Read more

Web dev left, can’t contact to him, how do I reset root password for ssh so I can access it?

Our lead tech (unprofessionally) left our project, we can’t contact him, but I, as a semi-technical project manager have access to our server on Joyent. Our new dev needs to take a look at our running instance to complete the project. Is it possible to retrieve the root passphrase? If I create new private ssh … Read more

How can you fairly split CPU between multiple JVMs running on a single SmartOS server?

I currently run an app within Tomcat but want to deploy Play Framework on the same servers as well. For licensing reasons, this is cost efficient, but being able to use excess CPU usage on a beefier instance should be beneficial as well. If I’m running Tomcat and Play on the same (Joyent / SmartOS) … Read more

Upgrade provisioned Joyent SmartMachine

I am currently running a provisioned Joyent SmartMachine base64 version 1.8.2 with some standard software (apache, php) installed. Is ist possible to make an upgrade to a newer version (for example to SmartMachine base64 1.9.1) without provisioning a new SmartMachine and then transferring all installed packages and data to that SmartMachine manually? I would be … Read more