How to overcome “jni error has occurred” after Minecraft and Java update in Windows 10?

I updated from Minecraft 1.16.2 to the latest version of Minecraft at this time which is 1.18.1, opened the Minecraft Launcher client, selected “Latest release 1.18.1” from the drop down, hit the “PLAY” button, and received an error message “jni error has occurred” (and also a generic java error and a crash following that). Running … Read more

How to overcome “jni error has occurred” after Minecraft and Java update in Windows 10?

I updated from Minecraft 1.16.2 to the latest version of Minecraft at this time which is 1.18.1, opened the Minecraft Launcher client, selected “Latest release 1.18.1” from the drop down, hit the “PLAY” button, and received an error message “jni error has occurred” (and also a generic java error and a crash following that). Running … Read more

Ubuntu 10.10 -bash: java: command not found

I just bought fresh VPS with Ubuntu 10.10. I following this guide for creating Lineage2 server, but this doesn’t matter. I try to use command java -version and I got error: -bash: java: command not found If I skip this step and use this command (for install Java): sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jre sun-java6-jdk … Read more

why update-alternatives –config java shows nothing?

I install oracle java JDK.rmp.bin on fedora. And installing by “. /jdk.rmp.bin”, JDK is installed under /usr/java/jdk folder. I could compile java files using command “javac” and “java”. I could also check the version by “java -version”. But when I type “update-alternatives –config java” nothing appears. Why no java version shows in the terminal? Answer … Read more

weblogic server installation issue

I got my weblogic installation file here: I was able to open my Admin command prompt (Win key+R, type cmd and Ctrl+Shift+Enter). I was able to execute the jar file in my command prompt using JDK 12 (see picture below). However I get this error no matter which version of the weblogic I pick: … Read more

Windows 10 shows wrong Java version

On newly installed windows 10 64bit, I did install first, Oracle JDK 12, then installed Oracle JDK 8 update 211, and finally installed Oracle JDK 11. So now in the C:\Program Files\Java\ there exits 4 folders jdk1.8.0_211, jdk-11.0.3, jdk-12.0.1, jre1.8.0_211 In the Environment Varibales -> System Varibales I have the JAVA_HOME with value C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.3 … Read more

How do I uninstall Java7 from macOs

After April 2015, Oracle will no longer post updates of Java SE 7 to its public download sites. I am inclined to remove Java 1.7 and the JDK permanently from my Mac, if only I knew how to accomplish this in a clean way. Oracle Java EOL announcement. Answer From : Uninstall Oracle Java … Read more

How do I update my jdk update 12 to jdk update without having to download the whole 100+MB jdk bunch?

How does one update jdk update 12 to jdk update without having to download the whole 100+MB jdk bunch? OS: Fedora 9 (About to go Fedora 11, but that is a different story) Answer Fedora or Sun doesn’t provide incremental updates to the JDK, there’s really no practical way to avoid the 100MB+ download. AttributionSource … Read more