glassfish – Unknown error when trying port 4848

I’m installing glassfish 3.1 on Windows XP service pack 3. but in configuration step it gives this error: PERFORMING THE REQUIRED CONFIGURATIONS ______________________________________ CREATING DOMAIN _______________ Executing command :C:\glassfish3\glassfish\bin\asadmin.bat –user admin –passwordfile C:\DOCUME~1\MAJIDA~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\glassfish-3.1-windows-ml.exe6\asadminTmp1079044298673991344.tmp create-domain –savelogin –checkports=false –adminport 4848 –instanceport 8080 –domainproperties=jms.port=7676:domain.jmxPort=8686:orb.listener.port=3700:http.ssl.port=8181:orb.ssl.port=3820:orb.mutualauth.port=3920 domain1 C:\glassfish3\glassfish\bin\asadmin.bat –user admin –passwordfile C:\DOCUME~1\MAJIDA~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\glassfish-3.1-windows-ml.exe6\asadminTmp5898014821156752751.tmp create-domain –savelogin –checkports=false –adminport 4848 –instanceport 8080 –domainproperties=jms.port=7676:domain.jmxPort=8686:orb.listener.port=3700:http.ssl.port=8181:orb.ssl.port=3820:orb.mutualauth.port=3920 … Read more

Glassfish 3 Cluster and Local init scripts

I’m trying to set-up a Glassfish 3.1.1 Cluster for testing purposes. Currently, I’ve got 2 hosts with Glassfish 3.1.1 installed. I’ve set-up a DAS domain on host1, and followed this guide to create the cluster: This all worked quite well, and I’ve got 2 instances running on the 2 hosts which I can start/stop … Read more

Putting varnish in front of a mod_jk balanced Glassfish cluster

I am just trying to get varnish in front of Glassfish instances, which are load balanced with the mod_jk connector in Apache. But I don’t really know how to combine them. The AJP_Ports for instances are e.g. 8009, 8010, 8011. I am not able to access them via the browser, but I can access the … Read more

Unable to use port even if sudo is used to create a domain for glassfish in ubuntu

I am trying to create a domain in glassfish. I have already done this in another server with ubuntu 12.04. Everything worked fine. I was just trying to replicate the same setup in another server with ubuntu 12.04 Downloaded the glassfish 3.1.2 zip from oracle Unzipped it to opt ran sudo ./asadmin and ran the … Read more

Glassfish 2.1 won’t start after changing Maximum Pool Size

I’m running Glassfish 2.1 on an Ubuntu server, I was trying to test something, so I change in the administrative console on localhost:4848 the Maximum Pool Size to 1, I stopped the server, but when I tried to start it again (from the command line) sudo /opt/glassfish/bin/asadmin start-domain domain1 It got stuck in [#|2013-04-24T11:20:32.741-0500|INFO|sun-appserver2.1|javax.resourceadapter.mqjmsra.lifecycle|_ThreadID=10;_ThreadName=main;|MQJMSRA_RA1101: SJSMQ … Read more

Apache with mod_jk with glassfish instances, large number of established connections for low number of users [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: Can you help me with my capacity planning? (3 answers) Closed 8 years ago. I making a tuning for our production servers for a portal, we have 4 servers, 2 for web and 2 for app, and there is a firewall before and after web servers (so yes there … Read more

Glassfish3 Apache mod_proxy_ajp and missing headers

I got Apache 2.2.22 with mod_proxy and mod_proxy_ajp. Here is my configuration of mod_proxy: ProxyRequests Off ProxyPreserveHost On ProxyErrorOverride On ProxyPass / ajp://localhost:8009/ ProxyPassReverse / Generally it works fine but when you look at logs of mod_proxy you can see that few http headers are missing. Header[0] [Host] = [] Header[1] [User-Agent] = [Mozilla/5.0 … Read more