Are there parallels to Asterisk AMI and Asterisk AGI in FreeSWITCH?

Asterisk has Asterisk Manager Interface (AMI) and Asterisk Gateway Interface (AGI), using which one can trigger PHP scripts at certain events from Asterisk. Using the same PHP scripts can also instruct Asterisk what to do next to a call/conference. Are there parallels to AMI and AGI in FreeSWITCH? Answer For the AMI you’re looking for … Read more

location of sofia profile

I am not able to connect to freeswitch server because it is not configured correctly. I get an error… call failed: forbidden The freeswitch log says… 2013-01-14 02:33:33.014079 [WARNING] sofia_reg.c:2491 Can’t find user [mike@] You must define a domain called ‘’ in your directory and add a user with the id=”mike” attribute and you must … Read more

Best Guest OS for running FreeSWITCH under Proxmox

We have a lot of Asterisk systems running on dedicated machines and would like to use FreeSWITCH to replace a number of them. One of the advantages of FreeSWITCH is supposed to be that it is doing much better in a virtualized environment than Asterisk is. However, I can find very little information about people … Read more

how to install lafilefixer in ubuntu

I am getting following error while installing freeswitch on Ubuntu. libtool: link: cannot find the library /usr/src/freeswitch/libs/apr-util/xml/expat/lib/’ or unhandled argument/usr/src/freeswitch/libs/apr-util/xml/expat/lib/’ I read from a forum that this problem can be solved if I install lafilefixer and run “lafilefixer –justfixit”. But I don’t find a any way to install lafilefixer. Can somebody help me to solve … Read more

Voicemails cutting off in freeswitch

We are using a freeswitch PBX. Any incoming voicemail getting left is being cut off after 60 seconds – i.e. the call is actually getting disconnected at that point. Regular calls are not, just voicemail. I checked, and the vm-disk-quota parameter is not set, which according to means that there is no limit. Is … Read more

How to Properly Route FreeSWITCH incoming calls to external SIP URI

I am very very new to Freeswitch. I am running FreeSWITCH Version 1.5.15b+git~20141120T035109Z~79de78a0fb~64bit (git 79de78a 2014-11-20 03:51:09Z 64bit) on a CentOS 6.6 64-bit Virtual Machine. I am trying to setup freeswitch such that once it gets a call through a sip gateway, it sends the caller ID to another SIP gateway (A URI) to be … Read more

Hot to integrate sipJs and freeswitch?

I am trying to integrate sipjs with freeswitch. below is the config I am using var config = { // Replace this IP address with your FreeSWITCH IP address uri: ‘sip:1002@***.***.1.170’, // Replace this IP address with your FreeSWITCH IP address // and replace the port with your FreeSWITCH port ws_servers: ‘ws://***.***.1.170:5060’, // FreeSWITCH Default … Read more

FusionPBX Failed(405) on Cisco 303 IP phone

Since yesterday, my phone started throwing a Failed(405) error when trying to register to a FusionPBX server. I have tried resetting to factory settings and reinstalling the FusionPBX server on multiple OS’s several times, but unfortunately, without any luck. It did work before, but after a few hours it randomly started throwing this error on … Read more