MySQL slow, but speed up after drop disk caches

I have very busy Linux MySQL server with huge database. Server usually work on load average 2 or less. The server have software raid (mdadm) that is currently rebuilding. Several times today, MySQL get slower and load average reach 200-300-500. In same time iostat is not big – 20-30% maximum. Swap is currently turned off, … Read more

Linux not freeing the file buffer when we execute rm or > (redirection) operator

I have one router which has embedded-linux with kernel version 2.4.22 running on it. I know its very old version but i have to deal with it. Please take a look at the free command output when i run it on my box [8300002902-3] Debug> free total used free shared buffers Mem: 128104 123928 4176 … Read more

Can high disk cache usage lead to external fragmentation and ultimately to page allocation failures?

We’re getting page allocation failures on a Linux server (3.2 kernel). We’ve been told the problem is directly related to the high use of the memory for cache; this would lead to external fragmentation, and ultimately to page allocation errors. Here’s an excerpt of top’s output: top – 10:45:09 up 3 days, 17:10, 0 users, … Read more

8x slower cat for the same files on the same disk but different directory

I’m having an issue where I have 8x slower access to a set of files as compared to the same files in another directory on a linux machine. The filesystem is a 36TB RAID-5 filesystem exported from a Dell PERC H810, and it’s formatted with ext4. The machine has 256GB RAM, and I’m using OpenSuSE … Read more

Linux server with JBoss , the system cache increased each day

We run an Apache Mod_proxy cluster with 3 JBoss in three dedicated server. Because we need share many files (small object files which our apps need to read/write ) between these JBoss servers ,we using NFS in Apache node and mount them into each JBoss Node as same directory. Both nodes are installed RHEL 5.4 … Read more

Which Linux filesystem is best for a huge Apache mod_disk_cache partition?

Talking about a huge (50GB, 500.000 entries) Apache disk_cache partition: Which Linux filesystem performs best for this task? In my example, the partition has a lot (500.000) of very small files (< 1 KB) and a lot (500.000) of files with ~ 50 KB. File hierarchy is as deep as /htcache/B/x/i_iGfmmHhxJRheg8NHcQ.header.vary/A/W/oGX3MAV3q0bWl30YmA_A.header. Typical actions are creating … Read more

nginx proxy_cache or Memcached

I currently use nginx’s proxy_cache for file-based caching in front of three Django applications (Apache/mod_wsgi). For some locations/URLs, I disabled proxy_cache and used Memcached (per view) within the Django app instead. Now I wonder whether pointing nginx to Memcached is more efficient. I read here, that nginx can serve pages from Memcached – but does Django … Read more

Questions about Varnish file storage engine

I have Varnish cache in front of some websites with the following storage engine configuration: Storage: file Size: 130GB The server where it is installed has the following configuration: RAM: 7.5 GB SSD 1: 15GB (System) SSD 2: 150GB (130GB for Varnish storage) CPU: 4 Summary, it is a c4.xlarge on AWS. Currently, Varnish is … Read more