How to set a windows’s title in Linux

Is there a way to set a custom windows title in Linux? Answer One way of doing it is to use xdotool, e.g., from the commandline: xdotool search –name “Old name” set_window –name “New name” This searches open windows that contain the name “Old name” and changes its name to “New name”. You also search … Read more

Snapping windows to pre-defined grids in GNOME

I would like to snap windows in GNOME (more specifically, under Ubuntu) to user pre-defined grids. I have tried the “Snapping Windows” and “Grid” plugins for Compiz, and have also seen demos of PyWO, but none of these tools seem to provide the above option. Any suggestions? Thanks Answer Have you tried different window managers … Read more

How to fullscreen application across both monitors of dual head display?

I have two Ubuntu 10.4 machines (and Ubuntu continues to hide more and more xorg.conf config such that I no longer know where to find it). One is a laptop running dual headed – DP1 is the internal screen, and VGA1 is an external monitor; both are running at 1600×900. The other machine is a … Read more

Using compiz with xmonad

I’ve been using xmonad as my windows manager in conjunction with Gnome for some time. I would like to use compiz was well. Is there a way to combine the two using Ubuntu? Answer You are probably interested in an alternative: xcompmgr see And you will then be interested in editing your xmonad.hs and … Read more

wmctrl says I have one workspace when I actually have four

I’m trying to create one gvim per workspace using this script as a starting point: I know when I first found this script months ago, wmctrl -d listed four workspaces. But now when I try it, it shows only one: $ wmctrl -d 0 * DG: 7208×1003 VP: 0,0 WA: 0,0 1802×976 Workspace 1 … Read more

How to let full-screen be on specific monitor?

I have two displays, they’re arranged as: +———-+ | | +——–+ B | | A | | +——–+———-+ With an application, say Adobe Reader, I can move the window to display A, or display B, or half by half. I can maximize it, too, on whatever display I like. However, when I switch it to … Read more

3 or 4 monitors with Nvidia and Ubuntu

I saw that someone was running 3 monitors with Ubuntu 8.10 and two Nvidia cards ( I was curious if you can do this with Xinerama, a hacked up TwinView config, or multiple X screens, or some other method? Does it work with compiz? I intend to run my Dell 30″ in the middle with … Read more

How to copy image to clipboard, to paste to another application?

I want to set the clipboard to file abc.jpg, in image format, so I can paste it to gpaint, etc. X11 applications, can I? I have enabled Screen snapshot feature in Compiz windows manager, and I need to give a command line to copy the snapshot image file to the clipboard. Answer scrot + xclip … Read more