Compiz uses insane amount of CPU

On my machine, Compiz uses ~25% of all 8 cores when I use the computer. When I don’t use it (so it’s idle), Compiz uses around 50%. How do I make compiz not use so much CPU? I’ve struggled with this problem for years and it’s annoying. My computer is a monster, but compiz is … Read more

How to bind a key to switching to next window in current monitor in compiz?

I’m using compiz 0.8.8 on ArchLinux. I have two monitors, and each time I use alt-tab to switch to next window, the windows from both monitors shows up. This makes it hard to find a specific window. Is there any way to bind a key to switching to next window in the current monitor? So … Read more

Configure a hotkey for switching viewports in Compiz?

In gconf-editor I can set hotkeys for switching to a specific workspace/viewport when using metacity. I’d like this functionality too for compiz, bit did not find it so far. What I want is: Super-F1 switches to workspace/viewport 1, Super-F2 to workspace/viewport 2 etc. How can I do this? (BTW: I am using ccsm with gconf-backend) … Read more

Compiz – don’t raise window on click (while hold)

it seems that Compiz support forum is used for spam, and as I noticed similar questions answered here, I though it’d be best for me to ask here I’m on Ubuntu 11.04 and window manager uses Compiz While on Windows I got used to this feature which I’ll try to explain: Imagine simple drag&drop operation … Read more