Azure port forwarding issues – endpoint is open and an inbound rule was made, but the port is still closed

I’m trying to open a small server to host a dedicated server for Starbound, but no matter what I do, the port doesn’t seem to open. I’ve added the endpoint in my Azure portal and made an inbound rule in the firewall, but still isn’t able to connect to it. I tested a port … Read more

Demo infrastructure faisability [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question I would like to ask if it’s possible to use an Android Phone as Hotspot and with the VPN enabled ? My aim … Read more

MSMQ HTTP server communication with non-.NET clients

Is MSMQ compatible with non .NET platforms? I have an MSMQ service hosted by IIS for HTTP support, and would like to see if an SAP system is able to access it. Is it possible for an SAP system to use/call a MSMQ HTTP service? I have attempted to use SoapUI to test the MSMQ … Read more

RPC Ports getting reset to 5000-5002 on reboot

I’ve run into a very common issue with RPC Endpoint Mapper ports not being available. The default RPC ports are 5000-5002. When I edit the registry and set the ports to a wider range (say, xx100 – xx500 ) and reboot, it seems to work. Funny thing is, upon reboot, the ports get reset to … Read more

Debian Wheezy doesn’t answer to ICMPv6 neighbor solicitations

Hello, there. I manage some Wheezy servers with IPv6 enabled on all of them. They all have a global IPv6 /64 block using the first address in the block as the primary, i.e.: root@Host /h/david# ifconfig eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 4c:72:b9:56:03:6e […] adr inet6: fe80::4e72:b9ff:fe56:36e/64 Scope:Lien adr inet6: 2001:1234:1234:1234::1/64 Scope:Global […] I recently saw that, … Read more

IPv6 interface not responding to neighbor solicitations, DHCP involved too

ip addr shows: 2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP group default qlen 1000 link/ether 02:6d:5e:86:29:49 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff inet X.X.X.X/24 brd X.X.X.255 scope global eth0 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever inet6 2604:X:X:X::11/64 scope global deprecated valid_lft forever preferred_lft 0sec inet6 fe80::X:X:X:X/64 scope link valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever In particular, I’m wondering about the deprecated … Read more

Proxy NDP, intermittent Address Unreach

I’ve configured NDP proxying on my Digital Ocean droplet to allow containers to obtain public IPv6 addresses. It seems to work, but occasionally I’ll get Destination Unreachable (Address Unreachable) errors. It seems that while this occurs the neighbor’s table on the container host shows the router reachability as INCOMPLETE (show as x:x:x:x::1). Then, randomly, it’ll … Read more

Proxmox KVM IPv6 Routed not working

I got a /48 v6 assigned by my Provider with a dedicated server, on which I did install Proxmox 5. My Issue is, that the dhcpdv6 should assign the VM a fixed ip, but it does not get the IP assigned. I also deployed a ndpd. My current network config is the following: iface eth0 … Read more

How to test deployed model on the new dataset in Azure ML Designer?

I have created a real time inference pipeline in Azure ML designer and deployed to real time endpoint. After successfully deploying model, while testing the model prediction on new dataset I get an error saying – ‘Failed to test real-time endpoint. Service temporarily unavailable. Please try again later’. How do I fix this issue? Answer … Read more

Force IPv6 NS source to be global instead of link

In summary, how can I force an interface to use the global IPv6 address as the source for neighbor solicitation messages rather than the link address? Background: Many VPS providers do not allocate a routed IPv6 /64 but merely assign a block on a /48. The gateway is a global IPv6 address on the /48 … Read more