How to enable Axis (Web Services) logging in unix server?

Im trying to enable the axis in the unix server. But didnt know how to do it. Found this link “” but didnt find the file( file. Any help is greatly appriciated. Answer AttributionSource : Link , Question Author : user432211 , Answer Author : Community

Problem with “Transfer-Encoding: chunked” in Apache 2.2

One of client of our web service uses axis2 application that sends HTTP 1.1 query with: Transfer-Encoding: chunked header. Such a query is refused by our Apache 2.2 with message: <title>411 Length Required</title> </head><body> <h1>Length Required</h1> <p>A request of the requested method POST requires a valid Content-length.<br /> In Apache logs there is: [Mon May … Read more

Deploying web services on a RHEL 5 box using Apache/Tomcat/Axis/Java

I am new to the Web services scene. I currently have access to a RHEL5 box and i need to deploy a java web service on it. It runs apache and i know this because i have a website hosted on this machine. Now, i want to deploy a web service on to this website … Read more

Create Excel chart with two y-axes: constant data on axis 1, dropdown list data on axis 2?

Comfortable with adding a second axis to, and just learned how to use a drop-down list with, an Excel chart. Can’t find anything about doing both at the same time. My example: Calendar dates (or months) would be displayed on the x-axis and population data would display constantly on y-axis 1. Would like to display … Read more