Is there any way to customize AWS CodeCommit notification messages?

Following the user guide (, I was able to set up CodeCommit email notification on pull request for a repo. But the problem is the email message is not at all straight forward to read. Is there anyway to customize the notification messages sent via AWS SNS? Answer You can use InputTransformers to change the … Read more

storage:link not working properly while deploying laravel application to elastic beanstalk via codecommit

I am using Elastic Beanstalk environment to host my Laravel application. And I’m using CodeCommit as codesource when I’m deploying. Lastly, I’m using an init.config file inside .ebextensions folder to automatically run some commands for my EC2 instances. //init.config inside .ebextensions container_commands: 01storagelink: command: “php artisan storage:link” This command is working when I make deployment … Read more

Setting up an architecture for analyses flows of time stream data from multiple sources [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post. Closed 3 months ago. Improve this question What would be the best practice in terms of AWS for the following: Many IOT … Read more

AWSCodeCommit: ReadOnly is available, but not FullAccess

I am trying to setup a Git Repo on an AWS Gov. Cloud by following these instructions. As part of the instructions, I need to add Permissions “AWSCodeCommitFullControl” to a user. When I try to find the policy in “Filter Policies”, I can find AWSCodeCommitReadOnly, but not AWSCodeCommitFullAccess. Because CodeCommitReadOnly is available, I’m confident that … Read more

CodeBuild with VPC settings fails to download CodeCommit source

I originally had a simple CodePipeline setup triggered by commits to a CodeCommit repo, with a “Stage” that output the source code as an artifact and another “Stage” using CodeBuild to run some code from that source output. Now I want to access RDS in that CodeBuild “Stage”, so I added my RDS’s VPC settings … Read more

FFMPEG – Copy a stream with change stream ID

I have video files with [.saf] extension. This file is using for “Seachagne” video server. And can play with MATROX hardware. Problem is, I have to make audio normalization all of these files. With ffprobe, It detected, Stream #0:0[0x1e0]: Video: mpeg2video (High), yuv422p(tv, top first), 720×480 [SAR 8:9 DAR 4:3], 10000 kb/s, 29.97 fps, 29.97tbr, … Read more

Freeswitch: Can’t do video call/conference using H26x

I using FS 1.6 . I’ve compiled it source codes. There is no problem when doing a video call using VP8 codec, but when I restrict the clients to use H263 or H264 codecs, no video is shown. After investigating FS logs and network packets, i found out that clients request H263 or H264 but … Read more

Recommended settings to convert Opus to AAC

I am downloading some music from Youtube, and it seems that in most cases (popular videos), the best quality audio is an opus file. I know that (1) Opus is the newest and more efficient codec, and (2) converting from one lossy codec to another is not recommended. However, as I want to use the … Read more