VPN with authentication/encryption with separate tap interface for each client

is there any VPN program that handles client authentication, data encryption and ends in a tap interface for every authenticated client? I need 1 shared UDP port (VPN service port) to which clients are connecting with VPN protocol and and I need that every authenticated client ends up in its own tap interface.. this allows … Read more

Tap interface within a virtual machine has NO-CARRIER

I am trying to hook up a virtual machine to a host using openvpn. When i create a tap interface within the virtual machine using: /usr/sbin/openvpn –mktun –dev tap1 The state of the tap interface is always “NO-CARRIER” 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00 inet scope host … Read more

Setup PERMANENT TAP adapter in VPS without dissapear after reboot

I’m installing Softether in a new VPS and all works fine. System is a CentOS 6.5 32bit. The issue is that after rebooting the VPS the TAP adapter dissapear. I would like to know if I can define permanently a TAP NIC adapter with a fixed configuration after every reboot. Any tip ? thanks Answer … Read more

pfSense LAN network unable to communicate with remote network on OpenVPN TAP connection

I set up pfSense to connect to a remote network ( that only accepts tap connections. The connection is being initiated successfully. pfSense ( itself can connect to remote hosts: pfsense# traceroute -n traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 40 byte packets 1 116.968 ms 54.357 ms 52.655 ms Hosts on the … Read more

Openvpn, two tap network adapters

I have installed openvpn client on my pc (windows 7) and I have two tap network adapters. In this way I can open two openvpn connections at the same time. What I would like to understand is how it’s decided each connection I open which tap adapter will be chosen. The first available network adapter … Read more

how to connect/bridge two interfaces on different processes

I have two processes A and B (simulating real hardware device), each with their own TAP interfaces. If I want to send an ethernet packet to A, I send it on interfaceA, and similarly if I want to send a packet to B, I send it to interfaceB. I’d like to connect A and B … Read more

OpenVPN tunnel not able to support secure connect request

In CentOS 7 host we have installed openvpn package and did create an tunnel using OpenVPN tunneling for eth9 and tap9. Everthing work fine for unsecure connection but when we try to connect to server on secure port i.e. 443 or so using openssl we are getting error as below openssl>s_client -connect “error:140790E5:SSL routines:SSL23_WRITE:ssl … Read more

Multiple TAP devices on OpenVPN Server

So we have a number of clients that have their own VPS instances which we host via Proxmox. The clients servers are all behind a NAT firewall and we forward ports per client request to our various public IP addresses. I know this isn’t quite like most VPS hosting services as usually you get your … Read more