Flash on Ubuntu server 12.10 for Firefox

What is a clean way to install Flash on ubuntu server 12.10? The package flashplugin-installer doesn’t seem to be available any more. Is it no longer packaged? Or would I need to do something like step 3 in https://askubuntu.com/questions/11/how-do-i-install-adobe-flash-player even though that seems to be for Ubuntu Desktop edition, not Ubuntu Server. This is for … Read more

What does fast small block random reads and writes do for enterprise SSD?

Since I don’t have a background in hardware storages, I’ve read some articles to learn about the comparison between consumer and enterprise SSDs. I’m confused of what makes enterprise SSDs perform better than consumer SSDs I learned that a Consumer SSD employs fast large block reads because it focuses on providing fast boot time and … Read more

How to ensure clients pick up all files after deploying new version of Flash app

We have a Flash-based application that uses lots of different SWF files, along with numerous HTML, Javascript, PHP, XML, and image files. The server is running NGINX 1.13.3. (We’ve got an HTML5/JS replacement in development, I think the issues here apply just as well to it.) The file organization under our webroot is like: /client/client.php … Read more

Is there any way to use/configure/manage VDP after flash technology has been phased out?

I have two VDP (probably latest version) deployed on the vCenter 6.5 with about 60 virtual machines backup. Currently VDP plugin is not visible in the HTML vCenter interface and I cannot access any VDP for configuration or to restore virtual machines. I saw in the vCenter “Recent tasks” in the HTML interface that VDP … Read more

MySQL DB connection error

I’ve been mucking around with Flash Builder (beta 2) and trying to get some PHP services hooked up. It’s dead simple through FB assuming no hiccups. But I’ve been hiccupping for days now. I’m running the latest WAMP install with only one modification mentioned below (fresh install) on WinXPSP2. TO sum up, I have a … Read more

Flash: static video content streaming vs. no streaming?

I’m trying to understand what the essential differences are between a server architecture which is designed to stream media e.g. FLV or h.264 to Flash players vs. an ordinary HTTP-Server (e.g. Apache serving static content) which is capable of providing of feeding the data also from offsets within big files. I’m talking about static movie … Read more

Where to host a Flash application with high traffic (4TB)? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 11 years ago. Improve this question We are looking for a decent hosting provider for our Flash widget (several SWF files) The widget is quite popular. The download traffic … Read more

How do I update my Bios on an Intel S5500BC motherboard?

So i’ve just received an Intel S5500BC motherboard in an Intel chassis. I’m not sure how to upgrade the BIOS in it. First of all I have Windows 2008 R2 (SP1) installed. So I thought I might try downloading the Intel update program S5500_WIndows_4_2 I then extracted that and ran Windows_OFU970_B17\OFU\Setup_Win.exe .. which copied a … Read more