VMDK File Growing After copying it using CP?

Using FreeBSD and a mounted NetApp NFS Share. I’m trying to copy a file FROM: localdisk/something.vmdk (size 527776 kilobytes) TO: nfsmount/copy-something.vmdk (size 533168 kilobytes) But it seems like from the above size I’ve demonstrated that the file somehow grew after the action of copying. Even though I’m just trying to duplicate the file. Any idea’s … Read more

Operating System not found when loading DD image in VMware

I provide much details below to hopefully make my issue as clear as possible. Using dd if=/dev/ps3da2 of=/mnt/edexhdd/EDPS3LINUX.iso bs=16384 I copied a fairly huge partition from a physical Linux non-Xwindow installation on a PPC64 architecture (actually the PS3) to an external HDD. The partition which on Linux was one of the two present (i.e. /boot … Read more

Convert VMDK images into AMI images

I have setup and environment for building the virtual machines in vmdk format and then use ec2 api tools to convert, bundle and upload it to the AWS Cloud. However, I am facing certain challenges in that. Created a virtual machine in vmdk format. used ec2-bundle-image to crete the image bundle. used ec2-upload-bundle to upload … Read more

converting Ganeti instance to vmdk fails

I have exported an instance from ganeti using this command : gnt-backup export -n I get these files: /srv/ganeti/export/win2k8.itlao.local# ls 6dac4bb5-19e9-4917-8233-39cecfbe0e39.disk0_data.snap config.ini When I try to convert for VMWARE using this : ./ovfconverter export –external –format=vmdk –output-dir ~/ganeti-instance/ /srv/ganeti/export/win2k8.itlao.local/config.ini 2014-03-19 13:17:33,870: (‘No memory information found’, ‘environment_error’) Traceback (most recent call last): File “./ovfconverter”, line 181, … Read more

SLES partitionless Installation

Windows VMWare guests can easily be resized live. For linux guests I’ve used LVM (add disk, partprobe, add disk to vg, lvextend, resize2fs). This works. I’ve just stumbled across the sketch of better approaches. The first seems eminently doable, use LVM physical volume without partitions. This allows extending with one extra volume (and significanly simpler … Read more

Converting Thick vmdk to thin after Move from Datastore

I am currently running Vcenter 6.7 and ESXi 6.0 with VMFS5 in our infrastructure. And I often have to move VM disks from a DataStore to another in order to free up space. When using the VCenter MOVE operation on a select VM Subfolder in the Datastore File explorer and moving it to another datastore, … Read more