Are there other Windows PE autorun locations apart from startnet.cmd?

I’m trying to add some commands to a PE Windows that is booted from USB. I found this: Windows PE autorun scripts, saying that the “autoexec.bat” equivalent can be found here: \Windows\System32\startnet.cmd When I add commands to startnet.cmd, they are however not executed. I have also searched the Registry of this PE system, but it … Read more

IBM ServerGuide: bootable USB key?

Have a couple of IBM xSeries x3250s that did not come with a CD/DVD drive. Searching around, not seeing anything tangible as far as for as a USB bootable version of ServerGuide. Any ideas? Answer If you have an RSA/IMM card, you could mount the install media remotely AttributionSource : Link , Question Author : … Read more

Need to boot into chkdsk from USB on Windows netbook

While attempting to install Ubuntu on a 32-bit Windows XP netbook, the partition resize operation failed due to inconsistencies in the NTFS filesystem (lesson learned: run chkdsk /f in Windows before trying to resize a partition in Linux). Now the installer only gives the option to replace Windows with Ubuntu, the partition can’t be resized … Read more

IBM X3850 does not boot from internal USB by default unless startup boot menu is visited

I’m running Vmware ESXI from the internal USB. No matter how many times I persist the boot order so that the server boots from the internal USB, the server starts up with a blinking line cursor and does nothing. However if during the preboot I press F12 and then select the internal USB, it successfully … Read more

fdisk and parted won’t work on a USB stick with Fedora 23 alpha 2 x86_64

So I burned a Fedora 23 alpha 2 on a 16GB USB stick through dd if=path/to/fedora.iso of=/dev/usb_device bs=512 I used bs=512 because the sectors on the stick are 512 bytes. Opening the stick in fdisk gives me the warning: WARNING: GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected on ‘/dev/xvdi’! The util fdisk doesn’t support GPT. Use GNU … Read more

ZFS: i/o error – all block copies unavailable -zpool unavailable

A server restart produced this output on the console: ZFS: i/o error – all block copies unavailable ZFS: failed to read pool zroot directory object qptzfsboot: failed to mount default pool zroot FreeBSD/x86 boot ZFS: i/o error – all block copies unavailable ZFS: can’t fild dataset 0 Default: zroot/<0x0> boot: I booted the host from … Read more