Does ubuntu have a social client faster than Gwibber?

I just installed ubuntu 12.04 and I began using Gwibber for my accounts of twitter and facebook, but it’s so slow. Answer There are several Twitter clients other than Gwibber available in the Software Center : Choqok, Turpial, Pino and Hotot. There is also Polly. If I had to make a “top 5”, it would … Read more

Twitter is missing from the list of Online Accounts in Ubuntu 14.04 – GNOME

I am using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS with GNOME shell and from the list of “Add an Online Account”, Twitter is missing. Below is a screenshot: Any idea why? Answer Try to reinstall account-plugin-twitter sudo apt-get install account-plugin-twitter Or you can try to install all account plugins: sudo apt-get install account-plugin-* AttributionSource : Link , Question … Read more

What is the best multi-account Twitter client?

I used Gwibber in the past to follow two Twitter accounts I have. To distinguish between the two, it was possible to assign a different colour to each account. Now I’m trying to use Gwibber again but the colour assign feature seems gone. Instead tweets are marked with a tiny twitter icon on the right … Read more

Twitter client with Real Time Notifications?

Is there a Twitter client (or just a utility) that pushes real time Twitter feed / mentions notifications? By real time, I mean notified as soon as the tweet is posted, like what MetroTwit does in Windows. Answer Hotot’s had support for user streams(aka real-time updates) since quite some time. If the Chrome Extension isn’t … Read more

How do I install Polly?

So I was reading over on OMG! Ubuntu! about this new Ubuntu twitter client called “Polly“, and I was wondering how to install it. Answer The easy way Polly recently added a PPA – to add it, run the following: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:conscioususer/polly-daily && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install polly Then, just select … Read more

Twitter media cannot be played from Firefox

I just installed Ubuntu 16.10 but it cannot play some videos from Twitter in Firefox. Instead, I get a message, something like This media cannot be reproduced. If I open the Firefox console, I see this message: The video on this page can’t be played. Your system may not have the required video codecs for: … Read more

Can I run a command WITHIN another command?

Can I run a command within another command for example: twidge update date date being the bash command date so effectively, twidge will update twitter with today’s date. twidge is a CLI based twitter client. Answer You can try escaping the command like so twidge update “$(date)” Which will execute date and concatenate the output … Read more