Secure contents of a hard drive so it can’t be accessed on another computer [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question My company is developing a device that is basically a Linux box with some attached hardware and proprietary software that is installed on … Read more

Secure server accessing R repository

Disclaimer: Please forgive my complete ignorance and lack of knowledge with this subject. I am not an IT professional nor do I have experience with secure networks/servers or R. I just happen to be the person roped into this and am completely lost. I was sent here from StackOverflow because this apparently a server issue … Read more

Unknown line in secure log

Anyone knows what are the highlihtet lines mean? Jun 17 22:20:03 webserver sshd[29519]: Invalid user pi from port 42716 Jun 17 22:20:03 webserver sshd[29519]: input_userauth_request: invalid user pi [preauth] Jun 17 22:20:03 webserver sshd[29519]: Connection closed by port 42716 [preauth] Jun 17 22:20:03 webserver sshd[29524]: Invalid user pi from port 42718 Jun … Read more

SSL Certificate on Windows VM on GCP

We have an application that we installed on a Windows virtual machine on GCP. The users are supposed to access this application by entering the real IP address of the server in their web browser. Please assist with the following: How to install an SSL certificate so that the users can use HTTPS instead of … Read more

Script executes perfectly in command line but failing in cron

I have created a script to know the successful attempts and failed attempts of users,usually everyday the /var/log/secure file goes to syslog and zipped like “secure-20200910.gz” but without extracting the file i want to read the data, for that i have written below script and this script works fine in terminal but failing in cron … Read more

Nginx secure link with rewrite

I want to make a secure URL with Nginx secure-link model and rewrite. So the secured link be like: And the Rewrite convert it to: So at the end open this video link: This is my Nginx server config: location /media { rewrite /videos/([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]*)/([0-9]*)/tmp/(.*)\.mp4$ /media/videos/tmp/$3.mp4?md5=$1&expires=$2; } location /media/videos { secure_link $arg_md5,$arg_expires; secure_link_md5 … Read more

Correct configuration of the SSHD config file?

I’m using ssh on my linux box, I want to secure it to be as watertight as possible, only allowing ssh via ed25519 elliptic curve crypto sigs. I thought I had it setup correctly, disabling password, no PAM, etc. It seemed to be working properly but today I noticed I didn’t have an authorised_keys file … Read more