Is there a Universal/Generic Default Gateway Address in IPv4? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 7 years ago. Improve this question Is there a universal and/or generic default gateway address in IPv4? I’m looking for something similar to the way you can always reference … Read more

Cisco routers “loopback”

I have Cisco RV220W. I have configured with NAT, and its working good from outside. (From WAN) But when I is on LAN-side, and visit my ip-address, for instance I am beeing sent to the router login-page. How can I fix this? What configuration should I look for? Answer The IP address that you … Read more

Routing traffic externally instead of internal loop

I have one Ubuntu box with 2 network cards. I am running netperf on the computer to measure performance of networking equipment, ethernet coming out of eth0 into the switch then back out into the second card eth1. Currently when I run the test it seems to be sending the traffic internally (throughput is way … Read more

Is it possible to limit output bandwidth between eth0 and lo?

I’m trying to limit the bandwidth between my eth0 output (nginx proxy) to my loopback inteface (apache) by filtering on destination port. Incoming Packet -> Eth0 -> Nginx -> tc qdisc class/iptable mangle 2525port -> Apache I don’t know if it’s even possible I’m just experimenting. My rules are the followings : tc … Read more

2 Webapps hosted on same server talking to each other – do they use eth1 or lo1?

I am trying to establish bandwidth needs for a set of webapps in the company. I am using SNMP to monitor the bandwidth on the eth1 interface, however I am trying to establish what is going over the pipe as far as all the intertwined webapps go. We have several webapps all hosted on the … Read more

Two loopback adapters communication in windows 7 or 8

Once our development systems are upgraded from windows XP to windows 7, my debug setup has stopped working. Steps followed in original setup (Windows XP): Add two loopback adapters Assign ipv4 to one adapter and address to another adapter Start an Java application (source code is with us) which will bind to … Read more

Server send TCP ACK with wrong number after receiving SYN

I have a client establish new TCP connection then sends request to a server per second. Both client and server are on the same linux box (via loopback interface). The client periodically reports socket error. After digging the network packets, the error seems related to the TCP problem: 50123 > 7001 [SYN] Seq=0 Win=32792 Len=0 … Read more