“Starting version 219” after kernel upgrade to 3.19.0-18

Today after kernel upgrade from 3.19.0-16 to 3.19.0-18 lightdm fails to start. GPU driver is fglrx installed from “Additional drivers” tab of “Software & updates”. Try to enable service by running sudo systemctl enable lightdm.service -f doesn’t help because service failed to start. See syslog: May 22 19:49:05 SSERG-U38DT systemd[1]: Started Update UTMP about System … Read more

run startup script which requires a xserver session

I have a python3-script which uses the Gtk-module (imported from gi.repository, for recent-manager functionality), requiring a link to the current xserver session (lightdm service in Ubuntu). Running it manually via console (in a xserver session) works, but i want it to autorun. An init.d script won’t work (setting the DISPLAY variable to 0.0). Using xvfb-run … Read more

how to call TurboVNC in lightdm.conf?

I am trying to change the [VNCserver] in lightdm.conf from TightVNC to TurboVNC but after I finished the installation of TurboVNC, I must open it by /opt/TurboVNC/bin/vncserver instead of just the command “vncserver” Is it possible to replace the tag[VNCserver] in lightdm.conf to become the TurboVNC? Thank you. Answer AttributionSource : Link , Question Author … Read more

vncviewer connect to primary display of lightdm on debian jessie (share with physical desktop)?

My server setup is: Debian jessie with lightdm DM with only modified changes section to sudo cat /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf: [VNCServer] enabled=true command=Xvnc -rfbauth /home/abarik/.vnc/passwd port=5900 listen-address=localhost greeter-session=lightdm-gtk-greeter user-session=gnome width=1024 height=768 depth=24 I also have a desktop with primary monitor attached to it with default DM to lightdm. My client setup: vnc client is vncviewer on mac … Read more

CentOS 8 – lightDM installation

I am unable to install the lightDM display manager in CentOS 8. When trying to use the command $sudo dnf install lightdm I get the error Problem: conflicting requests nothing provides lightdm-greeter = 1.2 needed by lightdm-1.30.0-3.el8.x86_64 (try to add ‘–skip-broken’ to skip uninstallable packages or ‘–nobest’ to use not only best candidate packages) Am … Read more

LightDM refuses to read monitor configuration in .config folder (monitors.xml)

I’m the proud owner of an Eluktronics RP-15 Laptop featuring an AMD Ryzen CPU with an integrated Radeon GPU and an NVIDIA RTX 2060 discrete GPU. The display outputs seem to be married to the discrete GPU and, even in Windows, fail to work until the NVIDIA drivers have been installed. My home setup consists … Read more

Ubuntu 21.04 second screen issue

A few days ago ubuntu restarted unexpectedly and after rebooting the second screen was not recognised at all. It has been working for some weeks without any problem and it is plugged through HDMI. After browsing the web I found a quick solve using this command. $sudo dpkg-reconfigure LightDM it opens a screen with following … Read more