Is there a way to setup ping check for remote host in Azure? [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question I’m trying to find a way in Azure to setup some service to be able to do ping check on … Read more

how to install healthcheck module in nginx

I have installed nginx 1.10.0 in ubuntu and setup Load balance concept. Now, setup 2 server I need to add Health check module to chenck health status of our server. root@server:/usr/sbin# nginx -v nginx version: nginx/1.10.0 (Ubuntu) I read about this documents this docmetn say: ==INSTALL== # Similar to the upstream_hash module cd nginx-0.7.62 … Read more

Expose Windows system health over HTTP, machine-readable? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 4 years ago. Improve this question Are there any off-the-shelf tools that will expose the basic health of a Windows machine (network accessibility, system load, etc.) over HTTP in … Read more

How to setup health check on multiple ports in new AWS Application LB?

Can someone help me setting up the multi-port health check on single AWS ALB. My instances have been running with dockerized containers on different ports. ALB Scheme is internal LB. Please help. Answer Under Loadbalancer/Target Groups: Create each target group for each port eg, port_8888/8888/server1 ( target_group name, port, server) eg, port_9999/9999/server1 For the ALB, … Read more

How can I check Windows Server 2008 health status and use them with Python

I am working on a project for which I need to create a Python class which can determine underlying OS on which it is running and performs a sequence of checks if OS is found to be Windows Server 2003/2008. Currently my check includes following parameters: CPU Utilization Check RAM Utilization Check HD Volume space … Read more

AWS Elastic Load Balancer HTTP health check ping not reaching Rails application server

I have just inherited a Ruby + Rails application running on AWS Elastic Beanstalk, and it is currently using TCP for the Elastic Load Balancer health check. I wish to switch to HTTP, and actually hit my application. To do this I creat an endpoint on the application that always returns status 200. I deploy … Read more

Google cloud autoscaling kills instances which do job

I’m trying to setup GCP autoscaling for my application (video converting service) and I’m experiencing the following problem: Let’s say the autoscaler creates 3 new instances and in the each instance I have 4 running processes of converting video. Then 2 processes in each of the first 2 instances finished and average CPU consumption of … Read more

Check age of oldest file in directory … But no other access

There are roughly 30 users and 30 directories with this structure: /home/user1/input/ /home/user2/input/ /home/user3/input/ /home/user4/input/ … A check should monitor the directories. If the oldest file in a directory is older than 5 hours, then the check should return 1 (WARNING). The check does not run as superuser. How to give the script the permission … Read more