Intel Integrated graphics GDM leaves ghosts/leftovers (also in gnome shell)

I’m using an updated version of Arch linux, and get constant ghosts on GDM + Gnome Shell. Here is an example: I tried both modsetting and intel driver. I tried DRI 3 and 2 I tried SNA and UXA I tried the TearFree option and also: i915.enable_rc6=0 i915.enable_psr=0 i915.modset=0 intel.modset=0 And this unwanted behavior keeps … Read more

Display scaling setting – difference between Gnome Tweaks and Gnome Display

Both tools seem to offer a way to change the scaling of the display, however it is not clear to me how they are related and which controls what. Also, they don’t seem to be in sync. What is the difference between these two tools? Gnome Tweaks and Gnome Display Settings Answer The Scaling Factor … Read more

Chrome windows don’t remember size after closing and re-opening

Running GNOME 3 (GNOME Shell on Ubuntu 11.10 , I’m seeing a problem with Google Chrome where sometime in the past a pop-under ad has resized my browser window to something like 640×400 , and now every time I open Chrome the window manager displays the browser window at that size. I can resize … Read more

Chrome windows don’t remember size after closing and re-opening

Running GNOME 3 (GNOME Shell on Ubuntu 11.10 , I’m seeing a problem with Google Chrome where sometime in the past a pop-under ad has resized my browser window to something like 640×400 , and now every time I open Chrome the window manager displays the browser window at that size. I can resize … Read more

How to use Gnome Shell with multiple monitors?

I’m desperately trying to make Gnome Shell work with multiple monitors. I’m on Gentoo. I’m using the proprietary ATI drivers. I did the configuration with the aticonfig tool. I tried using Xinemara, but then Gnome Shell starts in Fallback mode only. I tried without it. In this configuration, I can see both screens, but they … Read more

GNOME 3 Num Lock & KVM switch

I’m using Arch Linux, and I just upgraded to GNOME 3 with GNOME Shell. I have a KVM switch, which says in the instruction manual to press the Scroll Lock key twice to switch modes. Scroll Locks has never worked for some reason, but pressing Num Lock did work. Anyway, since I upgraded to GNOME … Read more

Infinite history in centos gnome terminal

I’m using Centos 5.x gnome terminal. I would like to know how to set the terminal to hold infinite history. It is possible in KDE terminal. Don’t know how to do it in gnome. Please help Answer In Gnome Terminal, go to Edit, Profile Preferences, in tab Scrolling, and check Unlimited. This will allow you … Read more

How to add custom keyboard shortcuts in Debian 7

Have a reasonably recent download of Debian 7. Trying unsuccessfully to set keybindings, specifically <Super>+t type stuff for terminal etc like I have in OpenBox elsewhere. Default Gnome desktop installation. specific version output: root@mine# gnome-shell –version GNOME Shell 3.4.2 root@mine# gnome-wm –version metacity 2.34.3 Copyright (C) 2001-2009 Havoc Pennington, Red Hat, Inc., and others This … Read more

How to use xbindkeys to switch workspaces in Gnome overview?

Here is my ~/.xbindkeysrc config: “gdbus call –session –dest org.gnome.Shell –object-path /org/gnome/Shell –method org.gnome.Shell.Eval ‘imports.ui.main.wm._showWorkspaceSwitcher(global.display, null, { get_name() { return `switch-to-workspace-down` } });'” b:8 “gdbus call –session –dest org.gnome.Shell –object-path /org/gnome/Shell –method org.gnome.Shell.Eval ‘imports.ui.main.wm._showWorkspaceSwitcher(global.display, null, { get_name() { return `switch-to-workspace-up` } });'” b:9 It assigns workspace switching to my mouse buttons. And it works everywhere … Read more