There isn’t /etc/gdm/gdm.schema

I read some guides on GDM (I want to create an invisible user in GDM login screen) but they refers to a file called /etc/gdm/gdm.schema that there isn’t on my computer. This is the content of my /etc/gdm: greeter.gsettings PostLogin PreSession custom.conf Init PostSession Xsession Is one of these files equivalent to gdm.schema, need … Read more

Intel Integrated graphics GDM leaves ghosts/leftovers (also in gnome shell)

I’m using an updated version of Arch linux, and get constant ghosts on GDM + Gnome Shell. Here is an example: I tried both modsetting and intel driver. I tried DRI 3 and 2 I tried SNA and UXA I tried the TearFree option and also: i915.enable_rc6=0 i915.enable_psr=0 i915.modset=0 intel.modset=0 And this unwanted behavior keeps … Read more

Centos7: Using Radeon GPU and GT610 Nvidia GPU at the same time with Xwindows

I am trying to utilize two separate graphics adapters with Gnome on a Centos7 machine. lspci identifies these two adapters as such: 06:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GF119 [GeForce GT 610] (rev a1) Subsystem: Corp. Device 2616 Kernel driver in use: nouveau Kernel modules: nouveau 07:03.0 VGA compatible controller: Matrox Electronics Systems Ltd. … Read more

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS – Why am I only in one group?

I am experiencing the same problem as noted at: Why my linux account only belongs to one group? I am running 20.04 and GDM. I’ve also: Followed every suggestion I could find related to disabling kdWallet. Uninstalled lightDM (No luck) Reinstalled lightDM and switched to it then back to GDM hoping some flag somewhere might … Read more

how to force GDM to use wayland

I got a Xorg driver problem that causes the mouse cursor 1 seconds behind the mouse movement when in x11. This can be cured by launching gnome-session in WAYLAND mode if [[ -z $DISPLAY && $(tty) == /dev/tty1 && $XDG_SESSION_TYPE == tty ]]; then MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland exec dbus-run-session gnome-session; fi Is there a way … Read more

Why does gconf-edit not work to change the GDM icon?

So I have done some googling and experimenting to change the GDM icon (Ubuntu 10.04) and have found the following ways: UbuntTweak Replace /usr/share/icons/LoginIcons/apps/64/computer.svg with your own svg Change the gconf config setting /apps/gdm/simple-greeter/logo_icon_name to be the name of your icon in the theme. Then copy that file to the icon theme path: /usr/share/icons/LoginIcons/apps/64/. I … Read more