Why does windows 10 still keeps expired certificates?

Looking at Windows 10 certificate store, I noticed some expired certificates: Win certificate store I wonder: Why does W10 still keeps expired certificates? I thought the were automatically removed after an “expiry grace time”. Can all the expired certificates be removed without any side effects? Thanks in advance Answer They are necessary to validate signatures … Read more

Does anyone know how to scan through a Java Keystore and remove all the expired certificates?

I have in the past made a list of all the alias’s that were expired and then made a forloop in CMD to then go through and remove all of them but I was wondering if anyone knew of a perl script or anything that would both find the expired certs then remove them Answer … Read more

Issues with expired passwords using XRDP in CentOS

I am running a series of docker containers running an xfce desktop which can only be accessed via xrdp. I set password restrictions and expired the current passwords of all users expecting to get a prompt through xrdp on the next login to change the password. I would expect, once the user enters their (now … Read more

Is it logical and safe to add Nginx cache expiration directive to the default conf?

This is my Nginx default conf (sites-available/default), which I use as base conf for all apps: server { # listen, root, index, server_name, locations; listen 80 default_server; listen [::]:80 default_server; root /var/www/html; index index.php index.html index.htm index.nginx-debian.html; server_name _; location / { try_files $uri $uri/ =404; } location ~ \.php$ { include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf; fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/php7.0-fpm.sock; … Read more

List of computers with BitLocker recovery keys

We are in the process of removing old computer accounts that are in AD, where the account password is older than 60 days (currently there’s over 15,000 accounts that fall into this bucket). To get this list, I’ve ran this simple dsquery statement to generate a list: dsquery computer -stalepwd 60 -limit 100000 > C:\Temp\Servers.txt … Read more

Can browser display images (or some other objects) from its cache without receive 304 status code?

i’m trying to understanding if is it possibile to avoid request for some embedded objects, loading them directly from cache without asking to web server if the object is valid or not (i don’t wont web server response to me with 304 http status code) Is it possible ? Does the expire header works for … Read more

Expired certificate – how do we avoid the expired certificate warning

We had a certificate issued by Verisign and have allowed it to expire as we no longer have need for it. Clients who have bookmarked the website with a ‘https://’ URL are greeted with a ‘certificate has expired’ warning. Some of our documentation may also reference the defunct URL. Is there someway we can dispense … Read more

FreeRADIUS certificate is going to expired

Recently I’ve created a RADIUS server (Freeradius) that authenticate with Active Directory. I follow this link to create this server: Now, when I see the “server.cnf” file into /etc/raddb/cert , I just realized that the certification will be expired by next month. So, I am really worried because I don’t have have any idea about … Read more

Accounts suddenly expiring when created with ‘NET USER /ADD /expires:NEVER’

I’m using the following command in a PowerShell script to create new local user accounts. The account is created successfully, the correct password is set and I can logon to it fine. NET USER USER_01 “Password” /ADD /expires:NEVER /fullname:”USER_01″ /comment:”MY Comment” But after about 1 to 2 weeks the account suddenly expires and I’m no … Read more

Curl receives expired cookies

Why does curl receive an expired cookie? In a response to some url the server is sending a 302 Found response and a cookie. In Firefox this cookie gets set seamlessly. Firebug says: Set-Cookie somekookie=91b115e3d4a5889ed93e70a7ddb24957a1eb0e27cbcd96a3342a8064; expires=Sun, 24-Oct-2010 23:28:55 GMT; path=/; domain=.somedomain.ru However when curl requests the same url, the cookie is expired, curl’s output: * … Read more