Latency and bandwidth limitation(WAN Emulation)

I have a requirement to emulate the impact of a new application on the WAN. The WAN bottleneck is a 65MB dedicated pipe between Australia and the UK. I have a setup to generate the traffic, but to monitor the impact on user experience i need a way to emulate bandwidth limiting and packet latency … Read more

How can I emulate Google Cloud IoT Core?

I am working with several GCP products and I want to emulate the behaviour of my future application. I am working with Python/Django. I already emulate Google Pub/Sub and Google Cloud Functions. Both of these functionalities are working fine and communicate together. Yet, I would need to add a ‘Google Cloud IoT Core’ emulator. This … Read more

Configuring Reverse DNS for an emulated DNS server hierarchy using BIND

I’m emulating a network using Kathara (similar to Netkit) and I’m having trouble figuring out how to get reverse DNS to work across all three networks. This is the topology And this is the DNS hierarchy I did manage to get recursive lookup to work. When queried for a name not in its database, … Read more

Server load and user activity emulation software [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 8 years ago. Improve this question A couple of years ago i saw a software set, whose purpose was emulating user/client activity and stress testing remote servers (mail, web, … Read more

How to emulate a user in a Windows environment?

Many systems (such as Linux’s su or Meditech’s emulate) allow an admin to dynamically emulate another user. I am new to a Windows server/domain environment, how can an administrator emulate another (Active Directory) user? For example, I would want to login a Windows XP machine/server (under the domain) as another user (that is not mine, … Read more

Postscript 3 emulation

A college needs to print multitudes of documents in a Mac environment. They get quotes for similar devices from two network digital copier competitors – one boasts an Adobe PostScript 3 print driver, the other has a PS3 driver which turns out to be an emulation. Is there likely to be any downside? Answer Speaking … Read more

Open source network and host emulator

I am wondering if the following product even exists. Here’s my wish list: Bootable CD with simple (XML, YAML) configuration allowing you to spin up multiple virtual hosts, each with their own IP and with basic services like HTTP or SMTP. It doesn’t require anything more than a server responding (with default data or a … Read more

Sending SMS from legacy system without the option for physical sms/gsm modems

My problem is that there is a legacy system for building automation (ventilation, temperature, lighting etc) without the possibility for upgrades, that needs to send text messages through a connected GSM modem. It does not have interfaces for connecting to the standardised SMS services around. The system is hosted in a virtual environment without the … Read more