Why is the first BIOS instruction located at 0xFFFFFFF0 (“top” of RAM)?

I know that BIOS loads its first instruction from 0xFFFFFFF0, but why this specific address? I’ve a bunch of questions and hope you can help me with some of them, at least. My questions: Why is the first BIOS instruction located at the “top” of a 4 GB RAM? What would happen if my computer only … Read more

Linux on UEFI – how to reboot to the UEFI setup screen like Windows 8 can?

makeuseof.com explains that Windows 8 certified hardware has a new way to enter the UEFI setup screen (equivalent to BIOS). From How To Access The BIOS On A Windows 8 Computer: No longer do we press a certain key during the boot process to reveal the BIOS – instead, an option to access the BIOS … Read more

What are the functions of the BIOS while the operating system is running?

I always wondered whether the BIOS (apart from conducting POST, starting the bootloader and passing control to the OS after one presses the power button) has any purpose or function while the operating system is running? Does the operating system communicate with the BIOS while running and if so, how? Answer With modern OSs, practically … Read more