archive all messages account on exchange 2003 receiving multiple copies

I am using microsoft exchange 2003 on windows 2003 small business server. For the past month or so, the archiver account has been receiving multiple copies (about 15 or so) of each and every email. edit: All copies share the same Message ID. The machine that hosts exchange is updated religiously and an antivirus scan … Read more

What hardware and software specifications would you have for purchasing a data-archival system? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for … Read more

How can I recursively unarchive all files that are bzipped2?

I have a folder. In this folder I have a lot of other folders. In folders I have bzip files and non-bzip. How to unarchieve all bzip2 files in same directory where they are ? Answer If your bzip2 files have the standard bz2 extension, try this: find some_dir_with_bzip2_files -name *.bz2 -exec bunzip2 {} \; … Read more

Uncompress an SQL file give a binary file

I created and compressed (with bzip2) a SQL dump from a production server on Linux. I want to create a shell script to automatically import it in the database of my development environment (on Mac OS). The file dump.sql.bz2 is well uncompressed manually with Mac OS Archive Utility. But when I’m using command line such … Read more

How do i archive newly added DB backups?

I’m using Windows Server 2003, Sql-Server 2005 and 7-zip for archiving. Each day maintenance plan adds all DBs to backup and i need to archive those but just those files. How do i create .bat or .vbs script which deletes previous archive adds only new (of this day) files to archive, while naming this archive … Read more