Why does gconf-edit not work to change the GDM icon?

So I have done some googling and experimenting to change the GDM icon (Ubuntu 10.04) and have found the following ways:

  1. UbuntTweak
  2. Replace /usr/share/icons/LoginIcons/apps/64/computer.svg with your own svg
  3. Change the gconf config setting /apps/gdm/simple-greeter/logo_icon_name to be the name of your icon in the theme. Then copy that file to the icon theme path: /usr/share/icons/LoginIcons/apps/64/.

I have gotten #1 and #2 to work. I am not sure how UbuntuTweak is actually doing it’s magic (but would love to know). I do not like #2 as it seems messy and what not.

I can not get #3 to work. I have found post after post that says it should. I have tried editing the gconf DB in multiple ways:

  1. gksu gconf-editor
  2. gksu -u gdm gconf-editor
  3. sudo -u gdm gconftool-2 --set --type string /apps/gdm/simple-greeter/logo_icon_name MYICONFILE
  4. sudo gconftool-2 --set --type string /apps/gdm/simple-greeter/logo_icon_name MYICONFILE

And while all of those methods show that the value has been edited NONE of them actually change the icon (did a service gdm restart to check).

Given that:

  1. The official docs state that this should work
  2. By replacing the computer.svg file it does work (so I know I am copying my file to the correct path)

I am completly confused as to why this doesn’t work. I know I must be missing something obvious.


update-icon-caches /usr/share/icons/LoginIcons/apps/64/

or wherever your icon is placed

Source : Link , Question Author : Andrew Burns , Answer Author : studiohack

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