Why do file copy operations in Linux get slower over time?

I have 12 ~200 MB files. Copying one of them to another drive takes 20 seconds. When I try to copy all of them at once, it first says it’s going to take 5 minutes, then it keeps slowing down into the hours and days.

I’m copying the files through Thunar in XFCE, but I remember having similar problems using the command line. Why does this occur and what can I do to remedy it, other than just copying the files one by one?


This is a known issue with the Linux kernel itself that has been known for ages, no one was tackled the issue yet.

there is currently no fix or known work-around, aside from using Windows which increases in speed and then normalizes. I find this bug to be a very high-priority issue, but the programmers do not feel the same way. It is this bug alone that is starting to drive me away from Linux.


Source : Link , Question Author : User not found , Answer Author : kenorb

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