Why CentOS server hanging again and again? [closed]

I have a linux Server, on CentOS 6.2. Recently my server got hanged and I had to reboot it forcefully.

Now it is happenning again and again.

Now the client is asking me the reason? This is what I have already done.

  1. Checked all type of logs (syslogs etc.)
  2. I have zabbix configured for this server. Nothing there.
  3. I created a small script to save the output of top command every 15 min. It shows many httpd process just before hanging. How ever, reinstalling httpd and checking httpd logs didn’t helped.
  4. Strace httpd didn’t help either.

Any other thing that I can do?


Heavy swapping to disk could be the reason. Check the number of Apache processes being forked. (ps -aux | grep httpd)

Source : Link , Question Author : Abhishek dot py , Answer Author : sridhar pandurangiah

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