What is Emacs Key Theme?

I recently installed Ubuntu Gnome 17.04 and in Gnome Tweak Tool I have a menu called Keyboard and Mouse. In there I see Key Theme and I can select between Default and Emacs, but I haven’t installed that. From reading a bit online I think it has something to do with typing, but what exactly?

What is it used for?

Do I need it?

Can I remove it?


I don’t use that but from reading I believe it makes your keys behave like the famous text editor emacs so changing it will mean you want to use your keys like you would on emacs text editor. As for removing it, I don’t feel it’s necessary to do that.

I article post will help you a bit on what it’s for.

Source : Link , Question Author : Mihail Mihov , Answer Author : George Udosen

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