What are the best linux performance tweaks for javac without a makefile?

What are the best linux performance tweaks for javac without a makefile?

I am talking about the use of ant build files and IDEs that scan the source and create the dependencies as well as doing the compilation (source to class file generation).

In saying “without a makefile”, I mean that make should not be used.

Basically, source scanning, compiling, and class generation.

Kernel: 2.6.18-8
Distro: Ubuntu Hardy Heron
SCM: clearcase
compiler: javac 1.6
IDE: Eclipse
filesystem: XFS mounted with noatime and nodirtime


  • make -j <number of processes> to use several cores
  • distcc to use extra idle machines
  • ccache to avoid compiling again and again

Source : Link , Question Author : gambit , Answer Author : Javier

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