webdav, controlling access via group of users

I’m in the first steps with webdav.

To restrict access to a folder it’s possible to use:

Require user myownuser

Is it possible to allow access to a group of users (like samba does)?


I assume you are using Apache httpd 2.4 as your webdav server.

In that case, you can use the mod_authz_dbm module or the mod_authnz_ldap module to provide user and group information to Apache and use this in your <Directory> statement for access control.

Something like this (untested and copied from the docs):

<Directory "/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/foo">
    Require all granted
    Dav On

    AuthType Basic
    AuthName DAV
    AuthBasicProvider dbm
    AuthDBMUserFile "site/data/users"
    AuthDBMGroupFile "site/data/users"
    Require dbm-group admin


Source : Link , Question Author : KcFnMi , Answer Author : Sven

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