There isn’t /etc/gdm/gdm.schema

I read some guides on GDM (I want to create an invisible user in GDM login screen) but they refers to a file called /etc/gdm/gdm.schema that there isn’t on my computer.

This is the content of my /etc/gdm:  greeter.gsettings  PostLogin    PreSession
custom.conf             Init               PostSession  Xsession

Is one of these files equivalent to gdm.schema, need I to create one or is there an error in the GDM installation?


Edit /etc/gdm/custom.conf and add or change the Exclude directive in the [greeter] section:


Users user and user1 won’t be shown on the list at the login screen but can still log in by typing their name and password (if they have a password).

Credits to user Gilles

Source : Link , Question Author : Alessandro Mascolo , Answer Author : Community

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