Grant user mkdir() [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 10 years ago. Improve this question I have a php script where I use the function mkdir() but I get Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Permission denied How can I grant … Read more

Assigning correct permissions on a shared web server [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: FTP and Apache permission issues (3 answers) Closed 6 years ago. I have created a centos instance on digital ocean hosting multiple websites by setting up virtual host, all is working fine, however assigning correct directory permission for each website is bugging me and i could not find any … Read more

Bind a fake service to a tcp port

A friend of mine gives me a (user) ssh access on an ec2-instance (ubuntu) that he’s got. So, for reason that now I don’t know, in the future I will have need of an open tcp port over the firewall to make listening some sort of service (like http or other). I don’t want to … Read more

Server Security: FTP and System Users

I’d be happy to get an advice about handling system users and ftp users on a Linux server (Ubuntu). Just want to do it right way. I have a sysUser.sysGroup and created virtual ftpUser.ftpGroup for ProFTPD server. Virtual ftp user (ftpUser) and group (ftpGroup) linked to sysUser and sysGroup $ cat /etc/passwd | grep ‘sysUser’ … Read more

winserver2012 “closed access” permissions to folder

I have some sensitive files, that should be accessed only by a small group of users. Currently the files are stored in a folder, on a WinServer 2012 machine, and will be accessed via a mapped location shortcut (using windows explorer). What I want, is to restrict the access to everybody (except the server’s administrators … Read more

visudo + read access to file from non root user

how to access file by visudo from non root user , or other option for example when we change user to hdfs and from user hdfs we want to print the file – file.cfg we get Permission denied how to configure the visudo in order to get read access from user – hdfs ( and … Read more

setting umask for a directory so that all directories, executable file(.sh , .cmd, .bat) are 750 and regular file 640

need to create and change existing file and directory such that all directories and executable files(*.sh, *.bat, *.cmd ..) are 750 and regular file are 640 . I need to this in shell and python both. I like to set umask to 027 while default is 022 for existing directory …. can’t change default umask. … Read more

Debian 9 give User permission for all folders

How can I give a user permissions for all folders? So /home, /var etc. Answer To give a user (e.g. bob) read-permission for all folder in the /tmp/myfiles-directory: 1.) install acl: sudo apt-get install acl (after running apt-get update) 2.) give the user “bob” read-permission for eveything in (and including) the /tmp/myfiles-directory: setfacl -m user:bob:r … Read more

What is a good approach to install a webserver? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for … Read more