Why does my Wireless connection block my internet traffic?

I am on Ubuntu Gnome 15.04 and experincing a strange “bug”. When i have wireless activated and connect my coble bound network – it looks like everything is fine (in the menu bar i see a connection on cable and one for wireless) – but I dont have Internet at all. When I deactivate my … Read more

How to compile Evolution from source

I’ve been having problems with Evolution the mail client. I’ve tried purging reinstalling and when I run from the terminal there a “core dump” error. So I want to try compiling the package. I know the basics of using make but I need dependencies and is getting nowhere because I can’t locate the packages. This … Read more

cannot change background, no files on desktop

I have installed Gnome Desktop (sudo apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop) recently after that I cannot change wallpaper of Ubuntu desktop and also I cannot see any files on desktop. I am on Ubuntu 15.04 Answer Since after installation of Gnome Desktop I had this problem, I have removed Gnome Desktop sudo aptitude purge ubuntu-gnome-desktop sudo systemctl … Read more

Terminal shrinking when it losses focus [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Ask Ubuntu. Closed 5 years ago. Improve this question When losing focus, a tabbed gnome terminal will shrink by one line. A normal (non-tabbed) terminal doesn’t have this issue. What could be … Read more

How to update GNOME to 3.18 without updating Ubuntu

I’m running Ubuntu GNOME 15.10, and I would like to update GNOME to 3.18. I have tried using the normal terminal commands suggested to update GNOME like sudo apt-add-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3 sudo apt-add-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3-staging and sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get dist-upgrade However, using an AMD GPU and wanting to continue using the proprietary drivers for now, … Read more

Encrypt folders with a nice gui

I am currently using encfs 1.7.4 with gnome encfs manager 1.8.17 to encrypt my confidential files. This manager has quite a nice gui that allows me to quickly mount available (previously mounted) encrypted folders. I know that encfs has several security problems but for a drive that remains in my personal possession this doesn’t pose … Read more