Ubuntu 8.04 unresponsive after restart

I have a Godaddy Dedicated server running Ubuntu 8.04. When I restart the server it will randomly not come back online. I cannot access it through SSH or the web. Godaddy support has to reboot the server and disable iptables, restart SSH and then run fsck on the hard drive. This has happened multiple times, … Read more

What should I back up before reinstalling new Ubuntu LTS? (8.04 > 10.04)

A work server is in need of upgrading, im hoping to move it from 8.04 LTS to 10.04 LTS (Can’t move to 12.04 unfortunately as its not provided by our VPS provider) I have backed up the following. /home & website files All MySQL dbs Apache config Postfix config Hostname data Crontab files With the … Read more

Dell OMSA Authentication Fail on Ubuntu

I am trying to log into an install of Dell OMSA 5 on a Dell PowerEdge 2850 running Ubuntu 8.04 LTS x64. OMSA is 32bit and is trying to load the 64bit pam modules for authentication. Whatever credentials I use to authenticate with via the OMSA web interface at https://myserver.com:1311 I always receive a “Login … Read more

Ubuntu backup script kills performance

I run a nightly backup, which takes about 1 hour. During that the performance is bad as hell. It looks pretty much like this: # DB dump ionice -c 3 nice -n 20 mysqldump –skip-lock-tables –user=foo –password=bar DBname > dump.sql ionice -c 3 nice -n 20 gzip -9 … dump.sql.gz # copy to new backup … Read more

xen and /lib/tls question

After installing xen, them dom0 displays the following message: *************************************************************** *************************************************************** ** WARNING: Currently emulating unsupported memory accesses ** ** in /lib/tls glibc libraries. The emulation is ** ** slow. To ensure full performance you should ** ** install a ‘xen-friendly’ (nosegneg) version of ** ** the library, or disable tls support by executing ** … Read more

Sympa + PostgreSQL install: Upgrade::probe_db() Table user_table not found (Ubuntu Hardy)

I’ve hit a problem when trying to install Sympa on an Ubuntu Hardy server. The problem seems related with the associated PostreSQL database. Steps I followed: 1) Installed PostreSQL. sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-client postgresql-contrib libpq-dev 2) Updated PostgreSQL’s administrator passwords. PostgreSQL creates two accounts for its “administrator”. One is a “database account” (for logging … Read more

How to install PHP5.3 and SQLite3 on Ubuntu 8.04

I got a Ubuntu Hardy VPS and I am trying to install PHP5.3 with SQLite. I added the dotdeb PHP5.3 repository and succeeded in installing PHP5.3. But I need to install SQLite as well. When I’m trying to install php5-sqlite3 (sudo aptitude install php5-sqlite3) this is the output: The following packages are BROKEN: php5-sqlite3 The … Read more

Upgrade PHP to 5.3 in Ubuntu Server 8.04 with Plesk 9.5 [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 7 years ago. Improve this question I have a dedicated server with Ubuntu 8.04, and really need to upgrade php to 5.3 version in order to deploy a new … Read more

Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Hardy: Upgrade kernel to 2.6.32?

I am facing an incompatibility issue between Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy) and the PERC 6/i RAID controller on our Dell PowerEdge R710 servers. Various forum posts (Ubuntu forum) confirm that other users also have had problems with the 2.6.24 64 bit kernel. One user reports that the problems disappeared after upgrading to kernel (manually … Read more