LAMP make website public [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 8 years ago. Improve this question POST EXISTS IN UBUNTU FORUMS ALSO Hello all, As the title describes i am trying to make my website public from a LAMP … Read more

apache2 in ubuntu 12.10 basic configuration problems

I don’t know why am I getting a 404 error when I try to access to my site This is /etc/apache2/sites-available/default file, (as I enabled it, /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default-000 is identical) <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin DocumentRoot /var/www/ <Directory /> Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None </Directory> <Directory /var/www/> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride None Order allow,deny allow from … Read more

I have a ubuntu 12.10 with subversion 1.7.5. When i try to commit a project it returns 500 ISE

This is the error that returns the client(versionsapp) when i try to commit. Server sent unexpected return value (500 Internal Server Error) in response to POST request for ‘/svn/ultima_prueba/!svn/me’ I appreciated any help. The config: <Location /svn> DAV svn SVNParentPath /media/nbserver/nbkup/svn SVNListParentPath on AuthType Basic AuthName “Subversion Repository” AuthUserFile /media/nbserver/nbkup/passwd Require valid-user </Location> ErrorLog [Tue … Read more

Allow User Account to run a single command using SUDO privelages

I have a machine running Ubuntu 12.10. I have two user accounts setup, my account, and another user. I am able to run SUDO commands, but the other user isn’t in the SUDO’ers list. What I’m trying to do is give mininal permissions for the other user to run a single SUDO command. Basically to … Read more

page does not end up directly under domain

I’m trying to set up a java page using Apache and tomcat on a Ubuntu server. The problem I’m having is that the page does not end up under the domain but in a virtual folder on the domain like this. If i enter the page can not be found. How do i … Read more

Ubuntu Server Preseed issues (Partitioning)

I’m installing 14 Ubuntu 12.10 amd64 servers in an IBM Bladecenter.. I’m having trouble getting past the partitioner step with the preseed file I made. I think I’m having a problem here boot-root :: \ 40000 50 41000 ext4 \ $primary{ } $bootable{ } \ method{ format } format{ } \ use_filesystem{ } filesystem{ ext4 … Read more

Can’t login via ssh after upgrading to Ubuntu 12.10

I have an Ubuntu 12.04LTS instance on AWS EC2 and I upgraded it to 12.10 following the instructions at After upgrading I can no longer ssh into my VM. It isn’t accepting my ssh key and my password is also rejected. The VM is running, reachable, and SSH is started. The problem seems to … Read more

Apache 2.2 serving 404s and not logging after server reboot

I previously had Apache 2.2 running a few virtual hosts on my Ubuntu 12.12 Digital Ocean droplet. Then I wanted to increase the server RAM, so I quit with shutdown -h 0 (without stopping Apache, or anything else). I resized the RAM and rebooted the server on DigitalOcean with no issues. When I checked out … Read more

Can’t resolve issue: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name

So I am trying to setup shorewall firewall on my linux vps. The vps is running ubuntu 12.10. When I type $ shorewall check I get this error. iptables: No chain/target/match by that name. ERROR: Log level INFO requires LOG Target in your kernel and iptables So I run iptables -L and I get Chain … Read more