How do I pause a HashTag Feed in TweetDeck?

I’m using TweetDeck in both Google Chrome and with Adobe AIR. When a really hot HashTag Feed comes along, it looks like a high-speed train going by and I can’t read anything. Is there anyway to pause the feed so that you can actually read the tweets? (Ya know aside from using Answer What … Read more

Add column to Tweetdeck for all tweets sent out

I currently have a column that contains a Twitter group/list containing only my twitter account. However, this doesn’t capture the reply or retweets I send. They only contain basic original tweets. Is there a way to add a column to Tweetdeck that displays all tweets I make? It should basically look like the data in … Read more

Hiding Twitter profile pics in Tweetdeck

Where in Tweetdeck is the option of not displaying people’s profile pics and just displaying their name? Or should I look at another Twitter client for this? Answer I had a quick search and couldn’t find an application on any platform that promotes that as a feature or as a TweetDeck option. So then I … Read more

Chromium: how to block promoted content on Twitter? (uBlock Origin/uMatrix)

Using chromium on Debian with uBlock Origin and uMatrix how can we block Twitter’s promoted content on my feed Is it possible to achieve this through uBlock Origin/uMatrix? is there any alternative? I have same problem on, where I see “promoted” content when I visit from chromium. With Firefox, on the other hand, where … Read more


when i type chrome://help/ in Chrome’s address bar, i get Version 41.0.2272.101 m Google Chrome is up to date. but when i try to go to i get on win8.1: This web page is not available Hide details The web page at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to … Read more

How to redirect twitter URL’s to

I like browsing with Javascript disabled, and Twitter does not work without Javascript. This means all the links people give to regular Twitter URL’s break without Javascript installed. I’d like to redirect these url’s to, which works fine without Javascript, but doesn’t use the same URL structure (no hashbangs). Is there a simple … Read more

Which twitter client can synchronize unread tweets? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Super User. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question Right now I’m forced to read all the tweets in a single client on a single device (TweetDeck on my Android phone). If … Read more