Apply dictionarry to text file

I have dictionary that contains of approx. 100 lines word_1 transalted_word_1 … word_n transalted_word_n I need to translate several txt files (actually these files are XML) in most automated way. What is the best way to do that? Maybe some magic plugin available for notepad++? Answer Google Translate Cute and paste your words into Google … Read more

Sublime text preference to turn back on double mouse click to select word?

Double mouse click use to work in Sublime Text 3 to select an entire word. Now something changed and I have to hold down the command key then double click to select the word 🙁 Answer So I did this and my double click to select a word is working again… now I’m … Read more

PowerShell ISE – Wrapped Find/Replace

The find/replace of Powershell ISE doesn’t wrap the search (go back to top of file after end of file) (like seen in Notepad++). Is there a setting to toggle this? Seems to be the first editor I’ve used that doesn’t do this by default. Answer AttributionSource : Link , Question Author : Kellen Stuart , … Read more

Combining .txt files to create a one pdf

I have around 200 .txt files. All files are named in order Chapter 1 to 200. How I can create single pdf book by combining all txt files with Chapters Indexed and starting every new chapter on new page with Heading Chapter Number. Is there any tool which can automate this process? I have Adobe … Read more

How to find-and-replace text with regular expression

I have multiple lines like this(with multiple random numbers): value:”200 text.text.text.text value:”235437 text.text.11.text value:”12835 text.text.17.text value:”347783 text.text.text.text I want to remove everything before the space text.text.text.text To look like this(i want to remove the space too): text.text.text.text text.text.11.text text.text.17.text text.text.text.text Answer In your case there are a couple of easy solutions. This first solution uses … Read more

Atom on macOS: doesn’t switch to app when opening file from shell

Using Atom (latest version) on macOS 10.15.6 Catalina. I often open files in Atom from the shell, like this: atom SomeDocument.txt When Atom is not running yet, Atom correctly appears with the specified document opened. However if Atom was already running (which is often the case), regardless if it already had one or many or … Read more

Hello, how can I remove all marks, and receive only emails – with emdeitor

how can I remove all marks, and receive only emails – with emdeitor exmple exmple : ‘’); ‘’); ‘’); I need result like this Answer Try the followin: Press Ctrl+H to open the Replace window. In the Find box, enter [‘);] Replace with: Leave empty Select Regular expression AttributionSource : Link , … Read more